
Volkswagen, here is a blank check. Write any amount on it that you think is fair and I will pay it.

This is insane. This is stupid. This is ridiculous! Why am I getting tingly in my gentelman's area? I want it so badly!



That's a MK3 though.

"Ferrari is now American, which represents the end of an era." - Montezelomo

I call this one 'The Stranger'...sit on my hand for a good 15, 20 minutes. Then, I rub one out...

However you feel about these patients being treated in the USA, you've gotta admire the medical professionals who voluntarily seal themselves up in a pressurized aircraft with Ebola victims in the pursuit of MAYBE helping them.

Mythbusters did this too. No big deal ho hum.

Why did they have to go and ruin a perfectly good 60s Continental? It's a good thing that most of this nation's rednecks are kept in Dixie where they belong.

There really should be more disciplinary broomstick poking in Formula One.

This exciting night of racing brought to you by Coors Light and inbreeding!

(watches video)

Please post your Jalopnik staff slash fiction in a private Kinja page.

So take their license away and kick them out of the Short Hills Mall then...see how long it takes to fill that open space again. Fucking morons...

holy SHIT that would be awesome.

Now I really want to see a motorized bobsled race.