
Please explain this to me. How is he a victim? He's wealthy, therefore he was in a position to walk out the door, unlike many victims of abuse (male and female).

Speaking of Joe, I can't understand why he hadn't had a heart to heart with Nick. Or a foot to ass.

I am against bullying. That said, Nick Loed would be first in line if I werent.

I was in jr high during the busing era and remember seeing white parents and our local councilwoman, Roberta Weintraub Bitch, spit and throw rocks at 12 year old kids as they exited the bus. Those kids were put in those buses by court order to try to fix the redlining housing mess that created segregated schools in

Then you've never really needed a coffee.

Don't tell me caffeine isn't a helluva drug.

Neither one has ever heard of her. Come on now.


We have neighbors from another country. My mom is always very friendly with them but could never figure out who was related to whom. The generations seemed to overlap. So she made the mistake of asking one of the kids one day. He said “that’s my mom. That’s my dad. That man is my dad’s dad and that woman is my Dad’s

Honest question: If the death penalty is not revenge (so says the government), and it’s supposed to be a deterrent, why aren’t executions held publicly like back in the day? Oh that’s right, they don’t act as a deterrent. Bad enough that we’re in the actual business of killing people in other countries. Truly sad to

Dad, I heard what you said to @usweekly... I need you to give back all of my music. Immediately. @Alan_Thicke

I'd buy a Democratic house and senate.

Exactly! Besides, we hear about this family every week from David Sedaris.

Mimi had no idea that a “residency” meant working nearly everyday and endless rehearsals. In heels!

And recently too.

Stop referring to women, any women as a pussy posse. It doesn't make Leo seem insufferable, it makes you look like a misogynist.

The ghost of Ann Richards would eat her for breakfast.

Yes. My melanin does what your sunblock does, so I have to take many thousands of units of vitamin D a week.

Someone like...Malcolm Tucker?

About that water shot. During the filming of “Summertime” she fell into a canal in Venice, Italy and got an eye infection that never cleared up. Don’t even think about doing it.