Corrin Radd

This newswire reminds me of the best joke my wife ever told (warning: it includes the word "retarded" and I know that that's bad, sorry!!!!).


And accused of raping white women.

Ctrl+Alt country+Delete

He just did both seasons of Enlightened and he's pretty funny in them.

Yeah, this is a great movie, and after I saw it I googled around to find out who the beautiful lead actress was, and let's just say that I highly recommend that you do so. Yowza.

You guys joke, but canine usage of grenade launchers is the number one cause of hip dysplasia.

Gash-ive resistance.

And you thought you didn't care about the Super Bowl? Now that's commitment (and no one who's seen his work would expect any less from Hoffman).

You get downvoted for expressing enjoyment of a humorous coincidence on this site?

And Michael Ian Black. All of the Ian's are joining, I guess.

Yeah, Tasha, the most obvious and most common suggestion is the correct one: Midnight's Children. It's the history of modern India told as a superhero story, so it should be right up your alley.

Those are both great and Wayne's great in both—I assume you've already seen The Quiet Man? Because that's another must.

Read the Lego Bible. It is a funny and informative version of the Bible. It's seriously good. Read it over a weekend and you'll never miss a Bible question on Jeopardy again.

I get the sentiment, but seriously, this new Neko Case sounds very little like her last album which was kind of bad, and this new National is quite a departure from their last one, too.