
Wouldn't posting an ad on CraigsList get you the same truthfulness of one's virginity?

Flash makes my laptop so hot I have to keep a fan on it. I'd rather not add that awesomeness to my phone. Plus, I'm not down with the battery drainage. Thanks anyway!

That is one beautiful creature.

I just use my friends and pay attention to how many inhalers get whipped out.

I can't find my way across the street; I need these.

My uterus just fell out.

I'm a pretty good bob-and-weaver in crowds. I haven't crashed into anyone yet, so I'll stick to that.

I'm thinking there's a waterbed in my immediate future. Watch out 70's, here I come.

It really irritates me that Steve Jobs feels a need to control what I, as an adult, can consume. We can't be told what we can and cannot read/run/watch on our computers, so why am I being limited to what I can have on my iPhone or iPad?

I use Foursquare and have never really thought about anyone ever stalking me via my updates. I have used it to let friends know where I am, in case they want to come and join. Guess the flip side is that /anyone/ can join. No more Foursquare for me... I'll post on my FB instead, since my friends list is comprised of

@DebosBike: Yep, that's me. Bikes are cool... don't change. :-)

@alwayslost01: Agreed. I haven't had any issues either; if I did, to the point where I was having tantrums, I'd return it. Just sayin'.

I'm in the middle of a Tron download. This is most upsetting.

I remember being ridiculously obsessed with the original Tron film. I shall download the game and relive my childhood. Thx for the list!

I didn't think I could love my iPhones without jailbreaking them until iPhone 4 came along. I am seriously digging this phone and, if I were ridiculous, I might want to have it's babies.

I bought a skin from DecalGirl and it seems to be doing the trick since I haven't had any reception issues. I still avoid the Death Grip, though, because I don't want to be pissed at my phone so early in our relationship.

Those photos make me a little dizzy. And I like it.

I told it to play Coldplay and it played George Michael. Yes, I have George Michael on my iPhone. And my iP4 seems to like it. :-)

If Jobs ever admitted Apple actually made a mistake with the antenna placement, I'd run naked down my street.