
So USB tethering wasn't working out of the box on Linux? I've actually had the opposite experience with an EVO: USB tether works fine on Linux, but when booted into Windows it fails to use the phone, and I must resort to wifi tethering while plugged into USB(!).

Don't boo the .bz2, it has a better compression ratio than .zip or .gz.

I'd add .tar.xz in there as well. Compatible with standard tar, as well as most GUI programs, and LZMA is generally much better at compressing (and faster at decompressing) files than gzip or bzip.

Flat back, mainly. Personally don't view it as an improvement. Also, there's no longer a flat surface for the buttons.

Actually, Google's announced that Honeycomb won't be coming to phones, but that Android Ice Cream will be reuniting the two branches

Maybe. On the other hand, it is much easier to obtain supplemental information with a laptop than having to flip through whatever textbook you have. And depending on the class, having a computer at your disposal may be necessary to learn the subject matter. Also, I type faster than I write.

If I were this guy, I would have wiped any potentially incriminating evidence off the hard disk long before any court order. Also, a thought: is overwriting with random data really "deleting" anything? Or is the file system allocation table a "file" per se? There are a bunch of technically legal ways to destroy the

I could see Apple doing a "mini" release for cheap if they also release a 4" phone as their flagship (and it's becoming increasingly hard not to with the competition). Having this secondary release be $200 off-contract would be a nice move, to be sure.

Not sure I agree with that. Certainly there's no machine today that can compete with desktops and laptops in terms of usability for productivity tasks, but that's hardly going to last forever. Things may not be at the tipping point today, but I fully expect tablets to mostly phase out laptops in the next five or ten

I suppose it could make some funny sparking sounds to let you know your data's really gone.

Android was cuter without all the grime and F***ING THUMBS.

@Bizdady: I didn't realize that people didn't like it. The UI looks really sleek (better than the iPad's IMO), and I can't wait to get my hands on one.

@Firesphere: Huh. That's bizzare. Glad it's fixed.

@ernie.: I don't complain about eye candy unless it gets in the way. Apple's not generally the culprit, and neither is Google. It's only when it delays actual work that it's aggravating.

Gotta love the slogan: "What's slower than a speeding bullet and able to hit tall buildings in a single bound". Probably sounded perfectly in-taste at the time.

Gizmodo: please stop referring to the Tab as a "trainwreck". It is legitimate competition to the iPad that works rather well, despite the fact that third-party apps don't have a tablet UI for it. Certainly, it would be improved by Android 3, whether it comes legitimately or via a third-party ROM, but even as it stands

@tylerbrainerd: I disagree. Maybe a button to disable syncing for the browser session would be called for, but I can't even describe how many times I've wanted to continue working from my desktop from my laptop, from my laptop to my phone, or whatever, and found a long and convoluted process for doing so. It just

What I'm looking for isn't in the tablet alone. It is unification across my desktop, laptop, phone, tablet and whatever else I have lying around. If I open a web brower on my desktop then move to my phone, the tabs should just be there. I should not have to click a 'send to phone' button, it should just work. Same

@catsmeatpotterpirbright: Just from the previews so far, Honeycomb actually looks more polished than the iPad. That combined with the open nature of Android and I'm really looking forward to picking the Xoom up.