It's a Nanosuit leg, obviously. Now for the cool HUD.
It's a Nanosuit leg, obviously. Now for the cool HUD.
@Super_Pickle: They've already seen the same effect that the iPhone will have on their network with the Android devices they already carry. iDevices actually use less data than Android phones on average.
@MauricioHavok: It is easy to say that society is deteriorating, and such stories of doom and gloom occur as a constant theme throughout history. Looking back at the "good ol' days", however, it becomes difficult to say that our rights have truly been diminished. In some points of view, television is now considered a…
@BrutallyHonester: *pout* but my iPhone doesn't get preferential treatment! waaaaaah!
@Jangoforhire: Yes, I realize. I also realized that there was an opportunity to nitpick, so I did.
@Jangoforhire: Actually, that's probably the one thing that wouldn't load faster (it's the network, not the computer).
@nandreetta: I suppose it's not the worst app that could have made the ten-billion mark. Though who knows, maybe they did fudge the numbers...
@Jangoforhire: Last I checked it was $23,000, though I'll bet you'd be able to haggle that down if you could get a sales rep on the phone. They'd probably be making huge margins either way.
@DustyButt: Q4 can't come soon enough.
@shkm: RSA2 has been the pretty much bulletproof way to go when it comes to asymmetric encryption. Case in point: both OpenSSH and OpenVPN, two pieces of software known for being very secure, use it. If you are using it on data, rest assured that your data is safe.
@anon11: Google can, that's the thing. The OS is open source, but for customers to be really happy with Android they need the Google Apps suite and the Market. Google has complete control of these. Google would be perfectly able to tell the manufacturers that if they want the market and apps, they need to release…
@shkm: To look into VPN traffic, the company would have to break RSA encryption (or whatever encryption your VPN is using). This is, if not impossible, at the very least extremely hard, and an efficient way of doing it has not yet been devised. There's nothing stopping the company from putting monitoring software…
@correnos001: And send me the link to the pastebin when you paste it there. Also, the command should be "dmesg > ~/boot.log".
@Firesphere: Can you log in to Ubuntu, run the terminal command "dmesg ~/boot.log", and paste the output of the file boot.log here? It will output a log of the system booting and it may help diagnose what's going on.
@Firesphere: bizarre problem. What graphics card are you using? Also, what processor/etc?
@Firesphere: So this error occurs when you're using both Windows or Ubuntu?
@k2kyo: It's possible that they contact the university to confirm the purchase (though I doubt it).
@FriedPeeps will kill for a CR-48: I would disagree. The benefit is in aesthetics, which we all know is a, if not THE premium for Apple. They've done crazier things for the sake of clean looks.
@FriedPeeps will kill for a CR-48: I mean, they'd still have a power button, but the front button just serves to make the user look silly when using it "upside down", when there really should be no such thing.
@RT100: Sprint may not have a huge selection of phones available, but the ones they do have are great. I'm loving my EVO, and have never had significant service problems.