
I prefer the sister site

Burkas are the ones without eye holes/that cover everything. Niqabs are everything but the eyes, and hijab is colloquially just a head scarf with face exposed.

TRUE. The fart residue alone could kill a goat.

Thank you.

I’m sorry about your sister.

So much disordered eating going on. So painful and chilling to keep reading about these “cleanses” and “raw food” diets sister died about 13 years ago from regular old anorexia but today she would have sipped spinach juice on and off all day with similar results and been lauded for it.

I’d help pack

Ok, can I somehow help him move the fuck out then!?

“Only the Fake News Media and Trump enemies want me to stop using Social Media (110 million people). Only way for me to get the truth out!”

This is a perfect, platonic example of how a principled leader should act. Plus, the “her family is the Coast Guard” part...That should be an example to us all.

“The president weighed in just as any father would based on the limited information that he had.”

“Her family is the United States Coast Guard. And I told Taylor, ‘I will not turn my back...”

I don’t get the unicorn craze, holographic makeup or the ‘dewy’ look. I will admit that I have the old, but nobody looks good in this. It shows every. single. flaw in your skin and, surprise! ages you. Except the dewy look. That makes you look greasy af.

I mean, to defend business leaders a bit, this is also not how you run a business.

Reince should txt him to say, “Congratulations, I’ll pray for your child.”

This administration is a disaster. It’s a disaster for a whole host of reasons, of course, but just operationally, it’s a disaster because no one knows how to run a government.

I feel like it’s “Apprentice in Paradise.”

Now the shit pudding can hit the fan - if the sale of his hedge fund to the Chinese collapses, it proves his appointment was motive for a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violation. If the sale goes through , but for one cent less than the previously announced $90million, it proves the same, because he’d be accepting

Well at least he still has that divorce to look forward to.