
The gingerbread man sits inside his gingerbread house. Is he made of house, he wonders, or is the house made of him?

In our town, Mexicans staff most of the restaurant kitchens, and construction companies, and cleaning companies, and landscaping companies, etc. No one complains when they pay less for any of these services. Yet this is a HIGHLY conservative, military/retirement community (which skews old and white), so there’s tons

Most illegals come through airports, so the wall is pretty pointless considering the cost. But Trump supporters are dumb enough to think it will prevent illegal immigration so Republicans will waste taxpayer money to build it just to please them.

Swamp Stick.

Aye. That’s one slimy fuckstick.

Can you move to Massachusetts? Mass Health is awesome.

Meanwhile I’m insured through Obamacare and pregnant and terrified. Thanks a lot, assholes.

That’s enough internet for today.

Could be worse:

Oh I promise you didn’t see it in People. If it’s not 100% confirmed, a pregnancy/break up/wedding/whatever it is never in People. They are the wussiest, but most accurate of tabloids.

Bradley Cooper seems a little...spermless to me. Not a virility thing, more like an “inanimate object incapable of reproducing” thing.

It would not be the end of the monarchy.

“I must get cook to put more pineapple in Phillip’s meals.”

I guess it goes to show the current state of affairs that my immediate assumption on reading the headline was that she died.

oh labra! urine corrigable!

Pay the extra and have it “Golden”

while i have never had the pleasure of an experience shower, i see the shower experience is a popular item within casual encounters craigslist...the moen costs extra.

She is afraid public will learn Brad is not the father of any of her children. - Maury

I don’t have that friend.......and I’m also pretty sure it’s not me because I almost never post, except to share something particularly meaty from the Atlantic or something. I think my Facebook experience (/maybe entire social circle?) is a complete anomaly.

In other words, Kim Kardashian is that annoying “friend” from high school who changes their relationship status to “it’s complicated” for a day in hopes of getting a lot of attention, then they change it back the next day. And this happens every few weeks or months.