
I’m kind of assuming that’s the reason for all of the faces of people who are still alive... more symbolic than literal, at least at this point. They’re all “dead” in the sense that none of them are who they used to be before. Also, mixing in live people with dead people is a good way to make everyone freak out and up

I really wish Johns eyes would have opened at the end. Everyone knows he is alive & it would been a great promo to have his eyes open. Especially if they would have went with the whitewalker bright blue, since everyone is fucked anyways.

You know, the problem with democracy is, it’s so darned democratic.

Well, you know, a significant portion of the American public apparently doesn’t know that Jeb! and W. Bush are related, so at least Alex Jones is 100% on-par with his listeners in terms of intelligence...



Wow, you have the determination to both keep looking for treatment and maintain sobriety? That’s amazing. I hope you never minimize the importance of what you’ve achieved. You could truly move mountains.

Eh, I got married because I got pregnant, at 20. We married after our son was born when we were 21 and 22. Lots of hardships, to say the least. We learned (after the fact) that guests actually took bets as to how long our marriage would last. Six months was at the top end with a few being generous at one year. We are

I can think of a few:

Yes, there was impulse buying and stealing credit cards from her mother, creating a rather huge debt. And then for a while, even when she was diagnosed correctly and had a psychiatrist whom she liked, she stopped taking her meds and seeing her analyst. She finally did get her act together, got her GED, and is now in

I don’t believe they are actually married, i think it was all for show

It’s like “dude, flowers come in bouquets too. You don’t need a wall."

I wonder if she made him sign a pre nup? Say what you will about the Kardashians but I don't see them ever going broke. Kanye seems crazy enough IRL to blow thru a fortune.

So sorry to hear that. Misdiagnosis is really tragic because you get the person to finally admit they’re ill and instead of the right solution they get their time and courage wasted. A lot of bipolar patients used to get diagnosed with depression too, which wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t become their justification to

Yes, my niece went undiagnosed for a long time. In part, I think there was denial by her immediate family, but they also knew her all her life, and weren’t exactly objective. And when she did finally see a doctor, she was misdiagnosed, once as Lyme disease, and another time as “mild depression.”

Impossible. My relationship with Netflix has never been stronger.

I’ve seen bipolarity go undiagnosed until pretty late in life even with it having been discussed for about 20 years. You have to be surrounded by people who care enough to notice and push you kicking and screaming into treatment. I don’t think he has that.

Also, Ashley Graham.

It’s so poorly done. Why do celebs get terrible tattoos when they can afford to hire the best artists?

All true.