
I’m nearly 2 years sober, and this still hit me hard. No matter how far along you are in your journey, sometimes you just need a reminder that you aren’t alone.

What did I just watch

Sorry to hear you are overwhelmed. That is a sucky feeling :/

I bow down to you

We just moved into a house with very distinct rooms and thick walls with doors that lock. I was so done with that open-concept trend. I need boundaries. Being able to live in the same space but not see each other every moment is the best thing that's happened for us.

I've had a separate bathrooms situation now for almost three years and I have no plans to ever go back.

It’s also similar to the alien handshake/boobshake tumblr meme. I used to like NDT, but he’s really starting to make my eyes roll.

I’m married to one of these people. He’s absolutely oblivious and I’m always so embarrassed. Telling him doesn’t change a thing. No spatial intelligence. None.

My heart goes out to you.

Never underestimate the power of a good cry! I'm so sorry to hear about these jerks. Sending hugs. You are strong!

This. Sometimes an asshole friend is just an asshole.

Sometimes, I have this random memory pop into my head where it’s like, “Oh god - forgot about that one.”

More stars! More stars!!!

Welcome to 2016 the YeAr oF OuR ZLoRd

I found a vintage scarf that I loved and just pulled the colors from that.

Sounds beautiful!

Planning my own wedding right now and if I have blush or mint suggested one more time, I'm going to lose it.

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I feel you on the “What are you?” I’ve also gotten “vaguely Asian” and my favorite, “Are you adopted?”