It really is just so sad.
It really is just so sad.
I’m so sorry you’ve gone through all that.
Hear, hear
Right? I want to give her a hug and tell her it’s OK to just say, “You know what? This fucking sucks.” Just can’t imagine.
Grief is weird.
You make a good point. I still can’t shake it, though?
The Strickland/Moreland case is very, very sad. But for some reason, the incessant updates have been unsettling to me, as has the GoFundMe page. There is just something “off” about it.
That line killed me, too.
I can’t read that without thinking of Madeline Kahn in Young Frankenstein
This especially hurts after watching Heroin: Cape Cod on HBO. Absolutely heartbreaking.
We have found each other again!
Thank you, thank you. I followed back. Always forget that I’m no longer Alsmo (RIP) and that I need to get back to following the A+ Jezzies.
Does Ricky Martin have the ability to Menudo himself? Good god. A+
Real talk: do you have the power to resurrect people from the greys? Are you my savior?
In other words, they understand what is valuable to (tourist) humans, and exploit that to benefit themselves.
Please tell me you saved the finished product. This is amazing.