
You really gonna pretend like Sea of Thieves isn’t a really successful game. Like I get maybe its not what you want from them but its still really good. That said Killer Instinct from 2013 is super under-rated. 

Wrenched it away? Bungie wanted to do 2 Halo games, they gave Microsoft 5 and Reach was obviously a predecessor to Destiny.

Hey Yesha. I’m mixed race and Jewish and I’ve been loving The Root being on Kinja. It’s fantastic and you guys are killing it here! But can we get anti-Semitic comments using the dog-whistle “triple parentheses” off the site? It’s shitty to see this still up:

Squib, no I get the point. I think both Felix’s actions and the journalist’s tweet is shit (thus the comment above). I get that he’s “trolling.” But the trolling methodology he’s using is making him look like a racist idiot. Just like that tweet makes the writer look like an idiot. “YAY WE’RE ALL HATEFUL

“Bryan you’ve once again demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the concept of trolling.”

They both are. And great, super glad for you. I, however, am Jewish and there’s been a massive rise in anti-Semitic threats and attacks in the US and abroad so yeah it’s not cool with me. If racism is super funny to you albeit. Not going to jerk myself off over it but if you’d like to be outraged at my displeasure

Also this is his twitter cover photo/background at the moment. Fuck this stupid piece of lazy, racist shit.

But there are many touchy subjects that one might use for shock value. I wonder what might make someone fixate on one particular one repeatedly, even though one knows that it is self-destructive...

You know how, when someone jokes about something, they might be hinting at what is going on in their mind? Just a little something you learn as a therapist!

It’s completely different. “Fuck” is not a term that was invented to demean and oppress a group of people. The n-word, and “death to all jews” are. “Fuck” is not bigoted in any way. Cussing does not promote hatred and harassment of people who are different from you. And hatred and bigotry is what we progressives

It’s not political correctness, it’s respect and human decency. People need to grow the fuck up.

That seems to be the go-to method for edgelords:

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

So he’s more well-known, and? I’ve seen this argument that the incident will somehow cause a growth in white supremacist groups, but the hypothetical person who becomes a neo-Nazi because Richard Spencer got punched in the face did not take much pushing.

10x more well known as the Nazi who got punched by a random hero.

Man, it almost looks like you pulled that number out of your ass