
Thx! xD

If free = More money because more players play and buy cosmestic.
They might do it. They could even release MGO for free download.

I LOVE this mode. I loved the F.O.B too (even more Water Gun duel ;) haha ), but now i just play MGO.

People are getting better and better! Tips are being discover, like when you are “spotted” and you know it. Put on your box, then dive/quit the box!!!
The box will be the “mark spot” while you are hiding elsewhere


Scout have Night Vision Google (NVG) for easy spotting! It’s maybe not unlock from level 1, but you can use a pre-made loadout that have it from the start!!! + E-locator nades are so good against Infiltrator!

I’m a invisible A-Hole lol, but i died SO QUICK. This class have the lowest health. But we are sneaky, so

Thx! Didn’t know this channel ( saw 1 video in the past ) it’s realllly good! Love their “debate” on Dark Soul!

BIG THX! haha love that people dont get it, but love the music work! I dance too... LOVE this song xD, so glad it turn out good! Don’t Dally you lucky scamps!!!!

Lol ok ok, yeah it’s seem like a bug. If you kill him and move too fast in the “caught” area, the zombie patch still get you!

Hahaha i remember you ! I couldn’t put you in the video, but i still have the footage! But i dont have a good look on you killing Patches, so it’s confusing! Maybe if i do a part 2!

If people didn’t met Patches, i can lure them to him. So it trigger the cut-scenes.
Some people already met him, so i push them in the Swamp, again, for a souvenir of Patches!

Killing is my business and business is good!

Hahaha! 100% accurate!

Man and thx for watching ! :D:D The song is in the description video if you want! On Soundcloud!

I appreciate it! :D haha Thx!

Thx! Yeah it was just for fun and “lols”. Not condescension!

Hey, i’m “noob” here. Just wanted to say thx for sharing my video!!! Big THX! I took time for editing and music. Now i dont regret it!

I did that because i’m french! But it turn out good i think. But yah it might annoy some people! Sorry:( lol. ( No prob, we can’t please everybody! )

(I’m not english btw, sorry for errors!)