This is what I'm talkin about!
This is what I'm talkin about!
Shut up, Opera.
And here's Opera.
"This f*ckin guy, am I right?"
Don't forget Revengeance lol
In seriousness though... I don't get what make player think they can act like this, I play TF2 a lot, and its fanbase wasn't any better, all October the fanbase was bitching about no news about the Halloween update, and when it did hit there were even more complaints about lack of new weapons, lack of a new boss,…
You are right. I finished the game in the middle of the night. I watched the credits and sat there for minutes with closed eyes. When I reopened my eyes I went to their homepage and ordered the Collection Edition of the soundtrack right away.
Long ago, when I first got my Xbox membership I was forced to share my XBL Tag with my brother, and this meant that I couldn't go for the Warhammer 40,000 themed tag that I wanted. So if I wanted to go there, I was going to need to get ambiguous. A little while before choosing the Tag, I was in a Games Workshop in…
GT: ThisIsGoatFace, a very obscure reference. It was previously The Happening, which was an inside joke, but then that movie came out and I had to change it...
PSN: MyUsernameWontFi
It's true, the character limit is 16. Pretty clever, huh?
There are three kinds of lies in this world: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
"So Wild Games Studio tried taking down a bad review video of their game..."
You've gotta watch this Super Smash Bros. Melee documentary that follows some of the top players in the scene—it's…
How Erin Destroys Reality
Universum: War Front is an incredibly ambitious game. It's a combination of real-time strategy, MOBA, role-playing…
You're right, I'll throw in "allegedly" there.
Is a 4rth entry bad form?