
Though this wouldn't affect me right at this moment, the college I graduated from had a weird policy regarding consoles and the internet. Basically, in order to connect to the University's internet, you had to sign-in using a browser. Due to the static nature of a console's software, you basically couldn't sign-on to

Not eventually. I'm thinking Day 1. The biggest problem all "always online" software has is that they completely underestimate the number of people who will want to play the game during the release. Both Diablo 3 and Sim City underscore how royally fucked a company can be if it doesn't seriously take into account the

Though I agree that having the skyhook executions in the game can be a bit much and having the enemy's head explode every five seconds is kinda silly, I think the violence and gore in this game are playing at larger themes. The idyllic scenes in the beginning are the trick, the illusion of a perfect world. In reality,

There are few games that I've played in the past couple years that I just can't love enough. Bastion was one of them. As soon as the music started, I knew I would be buying this game.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or not. Did you read the article? Go back and try again.

Whenever a shooter is found to have played violent videogames, the media and politicians always make it out to be this huge deal, this huge revelation that they can point the blame at.

I dunno. It's hard for mere mortals to forge swords made from demon's blood.

Ha, you're right!

Anyone else notice that the guy on the far left in the meme picture (gray hair, kinda scowly expression) is photoshopped into the high-res pic (on the far left)? Guess he couldn't be found for the second picture? Or maybe he's some kind of virtual pop idol that doesn't actually exist...

Actually, if you watch again, the game is pretty clever in how it telegraphs what's coming up next. The disappearing/reappearing blocks, for instance, actually have faint outlines when they are not visible (so you can still aim where to go, you just have to find the rhythm in the game to know when to jump).

It's crazy how I long I've been looking forward to this game. I didn't preorder it or anything, but I am a huge fan of Aliens and I've been paying attention to it for the past few years since its been in development. I'm bummed the consensus is that it sucks hard. Guess I'll have to wait for some OTHER studio to make

I understand this, but hardly any of the games used the D-pad. That still doesn't make its placement (and abandonment) okay, but every game at the time understood that the analog stick was the means for default control and acted accordingly. Personally I always thought it was pretty comfortable.

I'd actually be okay with caveman blueprint! But I feel like N64 doesn't even get that recognition! I mean, sure, the Playstation Dual Shock and the Dreamcast controllers are probably the true fathers of modern controllers. But as I said, a lot of those parts were present in the N64 controller. It was just so early

I always loved the gamecube controller's feel, definitely. And honestly the button layton in general was pretty good.

It's weird how preferences work out. I'd say for the most part I'd agree with this list (I would definitely put SNES at the top, but y'know) but I still say N64's controller is way underrated.

My point though is that the N64 controller came before the Dualshock or the Dreamcast controllers and both ended up cribbing heavily from the N64.

Because those were "Joysticks" and usually required the use of your whole hand to use. The N64 was the first console to widely popularize the analog stick over the use of a larger joystick or D-pad. I know it sounds kinda nitpicky but think about how someone uses an Atari controller over and N64 one and how that

I think the whole reason for the D-pad prong was because the whole concept of the console was such a radical shift from previous ones. I mean, 2D consoles were the norm! D-Pad was widely accepted as the best way to control 2D games.

I'm with you man. I am still a proud owner of my gold special edition controller for my N64. Granted, I never played the games that are rougher on the stick (Mario Party comes to mind) but I did play Smash Bros pretty religiously for quite a few years and the controller still works great!

Love the paint job. Awesome. However, N64 controller Nintendo's worst controller? I don't think so.