Man.... I know things like this and the Hindenburgh are why we don't have zepplins.... But why not! They were so cool!
Man.... I know things like this and the Hindenburgh are why we don't have zepplins.... But why not! They were so cool!
@Idoitforthelulz: That's exactly what I was thinking.
This documentary explains a lot of why the MPAA sucks:
@anomaly_kid: Do PG-13 movies sell better? Yeah. Are they a lot more bland? Yes.
@AldoraGreel: Danielwski doesn't want to sell the film rights. Ever. It makes sense. As much as I can imagine The Navidson Record as an awesome movie in the right hands, it would defeat the purpose of the book. The book is trying to portray the movie and often remarks at how doing such a thing is close to impossible.
@izikavazo: but it also led to its demise. He couldn't make all the deadlines so the show went belly-up when it probably could have continued.
My friend got Quantum of Solace for the Wii last year from his Mom. Wow. What a bad game.
I gotta say... The CDC thing was a little weird. I don't mind the show straying from the comics but God damn! This is a leap! Hopefully some serious shit goes down during the season finale and they have to leave this place behind because otherwise... things will start to get weird...
@macdaddysax26: True but again, the key is to just treat all skin tones in a similar way and to have some common sense about it. I think Crayola has the right idea with its multicultural markers:
@macdaddysax26: Just "Pink" or "Peach" would have sufficed. The problem with saying "skin tone" or "flesh" is that that's a very biased use of the word(s). Every person's skin is different but to say that one person's skin is "flesh" colored is to say that their skin is the norm and everyone elses' is the exception to…
................... what. the. fuck...............
@sybaritical: In the comics the virus works a bit differently than other zombies. This could be different in the show but in the comic, all a zombie bite does is kill you. It gives you a terrible fever that you eventually succumb to and die. It's death that turns people into zombies. This isn't quite explained in the…
I remember banging my head trying to complete this game when I was younger (my parents got me this game when I was way to young to really enjoy it). Then, a friend of mine showed me how to beat it like this. I kinda gave up after that.
@ortizlgnd4: If you watch it certainly looks like no-one is driving. I mean the tracks curve so drastically that the car just follows the curves. Then, he hits walls at the right angles so that he just deflects back into the race.
@dometone: But not to the TV networks who all too often ignore DVRs and online statistics when calculating ratings. Most Fox shows that go into this slot usually die whether or not they are good.
I have never seen more puns in a single comments section. You guys need to chill out!
"Mr. Butler is a professional driver on a closed course. Do not attempt"
I always like seeing the other side's worst fears in movie like this. I think it's hilarious because in all honesty, even though I'm a liberal atheist, I probably wouldn't want to live in that society either. I mean, freedom of sexuality would be kind of nice but outlawing religion and restricting human rights? That's…
Had to be done