Ol Herschel “These White Folks ‘Sho is Good to Us” Walker and the likes of his kind literally beg to differ.
Ol Herschel “These White Folks ‘Sho is Good to Us” Walker and the likes of his kind literally beg to differ.
Yeah, queer Black foks don’t exist. I am, in fact, a unicorn.
Don’t forget Boomers, who watched him in Roots.
So in other words, you’d prefer a movie to a TV show. Because if you tightened up six 40-minute episodes, that’s basically what you’d have. To each their own on that one, can’t say you’re right or wrong to feel that way, but I’ve enjoyed the week-to-week anticipation for both this and Wandavision. Could’ve gone for…
Thank you. Like... the premise of this article is “I ran into a bug and allowed it to confirm my negative preconceived notions about a game as a whole without any additional information”. Okay. It just bugs me, because the team has obviously done a ton of work to improve the game and it offers what I want from a…
I really don’t get the constant need to shit on this game. I suppose coverage is coverage, but man... I don’t spend much time thinking about games I don’t like. Fallout 76 is not a bad game, and if you haven’t taken the plunge yet, you’ll be in for a world of surprise and, dare I say, fun.
Oh, fuck. This one hurts.
John Cleese being held hostage and Elton John being an actual Muppet in the same way Tim Curry is in Muppet Treasure Island are both must-sees for me.
I’m sorry, but there is no way Harry Belafonte’s episode doesn’t belong on here. He really had input into the writing of his episode (which was unusual - most of the guests just showed up and did their lines for the most part), and it was a fairly rare appearance for him. A lot of the skits are great - Pigs in Space…
The Mark Hamill/Star Wars episode will probably be the go-to nerd choice (and deservedly so, it’s terrific), but the Christopher Reeve episode is just as good. Really, I’m so excited for more people to see season 4 in general. I think it’s the best season the show ever did.
Carey Mulligan is FANTASTIC in this movie. I’d been dying to see it since the trailer launched - and I’m so glad I did. I’ve not been able to get this movie out of my head. It deserves ALL the accolades.
It’s the return of Jackass-style comedy which might be a welcome thing again after so many badly-acted and fake Youtube pranksters ruined the genre. Also it can tide us over until the actual new Jackass movie, unfortunately delayed a bit because Johnny Knoxville got himself hurt. I hope he’s okay now.
Not gonna lie; Bad Trip looks exactly like the kind of stupid fun I need right now.
I KNOW there are snipers on the roof: why hasn’t a single rubber bullet been fired yet? Where is the low flying helicopter to disperse the crowd?
Frankly I’m more than tired of these assholes. The National Guard stationed in DC for this protest should have been armed and allowed weapons free.
Trump can say whatever he wants now, it doesn't matter. This is it. This is his legacy when the documentaries are made, when the books are written. The final scenes, the last chapter, will be hateful, stupid, gullible people revolting against the US Government to defend a lie, at the request of the worst human being…
You didn’t believe black people.
Shoot those maga idiots. Shoot them all dead.