
Thanks for getting a fat joke in there. Super necessary.

I’m 30 kinds of disgusted by Kevin Spacey today, and for once it’s not because of his doughy physique on House of Cards.

No, this violates the flag code. The flag code basically boil some down to “treat the flag with respect and don’t use it for clothes or advertisements.” But, like anyone who cares about something so much they won’t listen to debate about it, the people who tend to love the flag the most know the least about it.

I’ve got two:

What, they couldn’t leave V for Vendetta up through the 5th of November? That’s crap.

There is no hub.


Odyssey, ya see

Ugh, now I want to go back and watch Heaven Sent because forty-odd minutes of Capaldi monologuing sounds wonderful right now.

“There are worse horror stories, too; people are reporting fights breaking out, lines blocking traffic...” people driving for 40 minutes and then spending an hour in line...

Nier Automata is easily the best game I’ve played this year. It’s something special.

It’s okay! Black flag only has a bit of story at the start and at the finish. Then it just does nothing to try and make sense in the middle. That’s okay you should have already gotten too distracted by side stuff to realize the story is just absent and nonsensical.

All great games. I would say play the games that you have first, and then get around to Batman. I get the impression that generally the internet is getting better about spoilers (ex. I haven’t seen the new GoT season and I’ve only been spoiled on one extremely mild thing, and I haven’t even been trying to avoid

I’m the same way and was in a similar situation a while back. I’d just bought Black Flag and Darksiders II and was torn on which one to play.

Aaand now it’s an article on this site.


I agree they could have shrunk the GTA V map (it was CLEARLY done that way to expand the area around the mountains and put lots of obscure shit in there), but RDR has the best map of all time. There was nothing like getting to know every single inch of that map. Even the flat, boring parts were utterly magnificent.

Now playing

He is most infamous as the birther of this meme. You’ll recognize it right away.