
perhaps i should try to finish black flag too before origins

Black Flag is a lot of fun. If you like it, consider picking up Ass Creed: Rogue.

So you’re like me but two games even further behind! I’m currently playing Unity which, after all the flak it got, I suppose was patched to a decent state and I’m enjoying it (I tend to enjoy AC games the same way one enjoys chewing gum though). Still, Black Flag is for me the best AC ever, although I’ll always have a

I still miss Ezio there was just so much to like about the character. The one with the native American was by far my least favorite.

I have returned to this game more than once. Good choice!

This one is a high point in the series.

I don’t care. Björk is my everything.

Is that Christopher Walken? Please tell me what this is. Seriously: you could be saving a life today.

Hulk Hogan had sex with some guy named Bubba’s wife and video taped it, Gawker published it. Peter Thiel, drinker of children’s blood, bankrolled a lawsuit with the sole purpose of bankrupting Gawker as revenge for them outing his homosexuality. Gawker lost the suit in Florida and instead of appealing, shut down and

He is quite nice. When I spoke to him last year (I think at E3) the first thing he said was that he hoped everything was OK at Kotaku. (You may recall that last summer was, uh, a dramatic time for our company.) 

I know everyone focuses on the boys here, but the longer I look at Diana here the more she looks like being possesed by some kind of demon that looks directly at you from out of the picture.

Now playing

For those who want more. There were two episodes of Sailor Moon animated the same way.

i think those are just his ears

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.


Well, it’s been a while since I did a manip, but after seeing G-Dude’s mug I couldn’t help it.

as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.

That’s why he and Mel only have one kid

Fuck off steve.