
ROFL feminists finally figuring out that the black feminist and POC idealized image of feminism and womanhood is a brown woman in a fucking burqa.

She’s a pretty white woman. Black feminists naturally hate her. This is called common sense.


Kara Brown is such a fucking tool. She’ll make excuses for any black women who does stupid, crazy shit. It’ll always come back to, “Well, they’re both wrong”. No, they’re not both wrong. Azalea Banks is simply fucking NUTS.

Then why did they win?

Black privilege. If accused of rape, claim it’s all a racist conspiracy and an avalanche of journalists will leap to your defense.

ROFL shut the fuck up. You didn’t even watch it.

Translation: black dude mad that black chick digs white dude. LoL

And how many of those 22 murderous transphobic killers are men of color?

ROFL. Ava Duvernay “great filmmaker”. Get the fuck out of here. Selma was pure shit. Badly directed, badly acted, badly written (she rewrote most of it). The scene with Malcolm X was purely cringe worthy.

She literally claims that strangers (I guess we’re supposed to infer white people) randomly touch her hair on the street “all the time”.

Western Medicine, bitches.

White guy does something black people do all the time, outcry ensues. Literally, if a black woman did this, you would call it “heroic” and “brave”.

holocaust victims

rofl “white supremacist beauty standard”, fuck off. Sub-cultures can have whatever beauty standards they fucking want.

Gothic has roots in European culture. So yeah, it’s mostly a white people thing. And there’s nothing wrong with that. White people are allowed to have culture. I know how much it annoys social justice warriors like you, but yes, white people are allowed to have their own sub-cultures. Fucking deal with it you

the box office disagrees

No it didn’t. That’s not what the Post said at all. Nice try.

This very article proves that the feminists in Portlandia are NOT straw man arguments, but fairly typical feminists these days.

Because she’s black and so is he. Black men never rape white women. It’s all a racist conspiracy. Every time.