Most Americans probably get winded riding an escalator in the normal fashion.
That building came out of nowhere.
There’s no explanation on YouTube or Reddit about what exactly caused the incident
I really want to know: what’s your point?
The only thing I’m sad about is losing Will Buxton. The other guys were ok, but I’m fine without them.
I’ve noticed more and more people using “shit” as an adjective instead of a noun, i.e., “this is shit pizza.” This is fucking stupid and wrong. How do I know that this person isn’t actually eating shit pizza? The phrase should be, “this is shitty pizza.” Why are people doing this? People need to stop doing this.
They merely make suggestions and hope the car agrees.
They are damn near life changing to see in person. The sound alone is worth the ticket.
She really dropped the ball by not yelling out “Later Gator!” as she walked off.
“When I see the F150 Raptor, I tend to think the typical owner is compensating for something,”
Hate to say it dude, some people buy the trucks because they them. Not all men are so caught up in dick size that they feel the need to “compensate” by buying a Ford truck. Not even sure how that would compensate in the first place.
I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.
That’s some serious “don’t try this shit at home, kids” stuff! Rallying is like taking every bad idea you’ve ever had while driving and turning it into a sport. And it’s glorious!
You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’
I don’t think your thought process makes total sense. The car would have depreciated the same amount whether you took a loan or bought it outright. Basically, you paid $835 in installments for the ability to buy a car right away.
Goddamn fan. If anything, we know that it was getting in the holes all these years that ruined Tiger’s game in the first place.