
From medical news today: Recent research has accumulated evidence that this substance can also quickly reduce the symptoms of severe depression, such as suicidal ideation.“

So as far as I can figure the outcome of background checks is that people who shouldn’t buy guns legally can’t.   Not clear to me why the NRA is against this.  Or is that the composite of their members?

Whois Vice?

Nope. “Minutemen were civilian colonists who independently organized to form well-prepared militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies from the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War.”. It is what we will do if Trump declares himself Emperor. 

Yes, and how is that working out for you?

Problem is he wasn’t sharp 31 years ago.. he just isn’t very smart at all.  

I like the blouse, the photo, and his compliment on how hard they work.  Maybe you are just a tiny bit influenced by whats not there?

I am in.

PS, I have never seen any of those TV shows, thank god.  

Did you leave out the part that made it add up tp 6 million or what?   The lawyers cost more than what you listed.  

“All the young dudes, carry the news”.   

Dont underestimate the stupidity of voters.

The cost of basically everything is rising faster than wages and has been. Wouldn’t it be something if the next recession was caused by the fact the top 5% and their corps kepts raising prices and hoarding so much wealth that the rest of us just ran out of enough money to keep buying? It does not seem out of the

Wow beautifully written, does that just flow or is it labored over. Either way Amen brother there are prose in that there news article. The flaunting of the wealth inequity may be there downfall.  Interesting thought, is that the promise of money is how Bernie and Warren are luring votes. Living wage, free college,

Wives are off limits.

She claimed ancestry, she proved it, it blew up, let’s move on. Splinter must have something better to hold against her, or is this your best shot?

Well she definitely now qualifies as a politician, the motto being “later is different”, especially if it might give’em a bump in the poles! 

a maneuver explicitly prohibited by the department.”, ok , so what am I missing?

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.  We just don’t know if there has to be another recession.  Lots of safeguards in place.  To have one we will need a huge catalyst, which needs to be bigger than China.  

Lets hope the living wage and free college tuition can help with the fact our systemic racism is causing people of color to commmit a disproportionate amount of some crimes. How about a plan to eliminate gangs. Wow, that would be earthshaking!