LOL, beautiful peice.
LOL, beautiful peice.
I am sorry but is there anything in this country today enough money cant buy. I am ready to believe anything.
At this point I will believe anything. I dont know who the guy in the photo on the right is but it clealy isnt Epstein.
OMG. I am heading to Walmart now!
The days of posing with a beautiful dead animal you killed have been over for quite some time. That is a big stripper which means it should have been released.They have exponentially more eggs by size. So a 50 lb stripper has 100 times mire egss than a 5 pounder not 10. That is why if you gonna eat one you dont…
Well a gun bill in response to these two shooting that wouldnt have stopped them are a joke. We must ban the assault rifles and the ability to use magazines which allow one to just keep shooting.
I am a 49er fan, Colin was benched and sulked horribly about it sitting on the bench refusing to participate in the game or the anthem from the sidelines. This was before an unarmed blackman was shot. Then during the third week a man was shot and the press finally noticed he was sitting. They asked him why, and of…
Well, I can see why thisndidnt make 60 minutes. Not sure his wife telling the truth is throwing him under the bus. Not sure what the economic benefit is to the co., they are paid the same wages, and taxes are witheld and employers contributions are made. Workers comp is paid. At least no one mentioned these guys…
That is not a new plot at all. Don’t think we are being denied anything here and I am glad they cancelled itregardless of who called for it.
OMG, “semiliterate primitive monkees”? , amazing, I had no idea he said that. How does anyone even leave him on the air. That is sick shit.
I told my wife the day he was arrested he was a dead man walking. With Trump letting the genie out of the bottle it was easy for money or leverage to grease the right people and leave him unattended. “Here is a grand kid, take a 20 minute break”
Once again fyi, while all white supremists are racists all racists are not white supremists it takes more and Potus hasn’t shown it. Biden called him a racist, that is enough for me. We really dont want to weaken the definition of a white supremist for they are dangerous not just haters.
Well if he does get a vacation I hope he goes somewhere he can get some sun.
Sorry but it appears he brought some joy into the lives of his supporters who were injured and there is no reason to find that offensive. How do we explain being offended by the smile of a youg girl who was shot. Come on people, spewing hate is fucked up.
Honestly I don’t think the remaining advertisers or the board had any problem with his views. Either they agree or they only care about the ratings. I mean come on, they dont share our views that is why they are there. I would bet it was a planned vacation.
The article is based on the premise, if you are a white hater of another race iipso facto you are a white supremist. I am not so sure that is true. Hate of a race can come from other sources such as an incident where one was harmed, a relative lost in a war, indoctrination by parents. To me all white racists are…
The GEO Group is not ICE so don’t see how we can print a whole article saying ICE pepper sprayed them. This whole set up of independent contractors running the facility is just a game of legal deniability. ICE or immigration who contracts with independent contractors are not liable for their actions. And the GEO…
Not sure what this was about. Anyway you better do a taste test, they are way better.