
And if the viewing figures for her drop; prepare navel gazing and claims of mysogeny; while if figures increase, it will be because there’s a market for female leads.... and no thought will be given to the idea that Jodie and the new writers simply did a good job... because lefties aren’t into merit.

Does this crotchety angry tact get you laid?

Not you though, you are so tough in all of the imaginary paranoid fantasies you have.

Tell that to the neckbeards who are throwing their shit at the walls on BBC’s Twitter account right now.

As a woman who’s the same age as Jodie, getting to see this happen is pretty incredible.


I watched the clip and when she was revealed I felt the tears come down - they were tears of pure unbridled happiness that I didn’t expect but readily welcome as another glass ceiling is shattered.

That checks out: I only started selling drugs and robbing houses because my city hired a bunch of police officers.

I don’t think anyone is saying that you want them to stop. But, responding to what is otherwise a common cultural practice with physical revulsion, and then feeling the need to make that reaction public, is extremely simple and thoughtless. Gut responses are typically devoid of any intellectual reasoning, and

If you actually think you won’t get nuance from a google search, then you’re in need of serious help.

Um, thanks for sharing your discomfort? I can’t tell if you were trying to start a dialogue about it or just wanted everyone to know that you think, “ew, gross!”

Who honestly cares what your reaction is to it or if it makes you uncomfortable? Did you think this was vital information to the rest of us?

Dude, I’m ace. Ain’t a moral thing, I just don’t really have any interest in watching something like sex.

Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.