Drinking that amount of 3% H2O2 is not going to cause any problems. It is a strong oxidizer but at that low concentration the damage would be very minimal. It also decomposes into oxygen gas and water.
Drinking that amount of 3% H2O2 is not going to cause any problems. It is a strong oxidizer but at that low concentration the damage would be very minimal. It also decomposes into oxygen gas and water.
No it wouldn’t it would be frozen outside the bus from your point of view. The people outside the bus not moving would see time frozen if they looked in the bus. You have it backwards like most people.
No. The Jets don’t come from inside the hole, its just matter that is flung out from near the horizon due to high speed and friction. The hole isn’t losing mass the mass wasn’t in the hole to begin with.
No you are thinking of Hawking radiation which is a theoretical unproven and completely unrelated thing.
Bending space affects light. Light travels through space, if the space is bent it light is bent, this is not rocket science.
No you could’t, neutrinos do exist and you can’t go as fast as light mathematically, spacially, riligiously, orthogonally, or in any other fashion.
No some people do have an idea. And sorry but no the speed of light is an actual constant it is not used simply for convenience or a point of reference it is the literal fastest motion that an observer can observe relative to itself. What it really is is the speed you are traveling through time which is why it is the…
light is not unaffected by gravity, read my post above
No, its not you time slows or stops for its only for things moving relative to you. If you see a spaceship fly by at light speed, (assuming it wasn’t contracted and you could somehow see it) and you saw inside, time would be completely stopped inside the ship from your view but for the people in the ship time is…
This shows our misunderstanding of gravity rather than our misunderstanding of light as you seem to assume. Gravity doesn’t “suck” anything. It’s not like a vacuum cleaner sucking air in. It isn’t a force that is pulling you down even that’s what it feels like standing on the earth. What is happening is the space…
No it doesn’t have infinite mass because it isn’t moving at the speed of light. And it didn’t use up infinite energy because that’s impossible and it didn’t go that fast. And you can have two infinities together, they can both have infinite mass and their sum is still just infinity, its just a bigger infinity.
Massless particles are affected by gravity because they follow the contour of the space-time whether it is flat or curved by mass (gravity). There is no such thing as a graviton and they will never discover it. Just like there is no car-crashiton particle that mediates the force that throws you through the windshield…
No no no no no no no!!! This is what Issac Newton would have said but Einstein showed reality to be different. You are missing the whole point honestly. Nothing can move at or faster than light “in reference to people still on land” or to anyone else for that matter, EVER. You are correct however in stating that the…
Because mass has nothing to do with if things can interact. And because gravity is actually the space-time being deformed by the massive object (planet, star, etc), it is actually bending the straight flat space-time into a curved shape, light follows the straight lines that have been curved by the mass/energy. You…
Because speed is purely relative it is not absolute. Someone on the ship would say it isn’t moving at all but someone in the water next to it would say it is moving. Moving at light speed has no meaning until you specify the frame of reference you are using. A light beam could be moving away from you at 186,000…