
I actually find the presidents wearing traditional clothes of other countries quite lovely. But, Al, Bill, those shorts. And no socks for Bill? Ay, the blisters.

The scary thing is, the NSA knows exactly what they said in those conversations. Which of these things is worse:

Be sure to remember that we’re not two months into this presidency. If you’re expecting results in a week, you’re going to be sorely, sorely disappointed.

Something else just occurred to me, if the Russian ambassador guy recorded their entire conversation (in which they definitely discussed the 2016 election), the Russians now have blackmail material on Sessions. Just one more compromised GOP in the White House.

Annnnd...he had no problems with the leaks when they made Hillary and the DNC look bad. I guess he didn’t realize that leaks don’t always go one way.

“Being president is hard. I mean, who knew healthcare was so complicated?!? You know what’s fun, though...traveling around the country, getting up in front of crowds, talking about myself and then they cheer! And the losers who don’t like me...I can rip them up and whadda they gonna do about it? Nothing! The people

Yup, Trump’s right. The real problem here is the leaks. Not the attorney general who lied under oath to get into office. Not the fact that this is the *second* person in Trump’s administration with dubious communications with Russia during Trump’s campaign. Nope. It’s not the conflicts of interest or the broken laws.

I swear I wake up every morning waiting for the final domino to fall in this atrocious presidency. Then I call my senators (who don’t answer of course) sign 25 petitions that feel totally futile, and refresh my web pages incessantly until it’s time to drink myself into a stupor, fall asleep and do it all again the

~Andy Borowitz

I watched that speech last night and he was straight up literally Hitler. Literally no difference. Talking about America First and deporting people and martial law and all that. Dictator for sure. This is pretty scary now. I am scared and you should be too. Trump is Hitler but worse.

Them not writing about the administration in the same tones as Jezebel and HuffPo doesn’t mean they aren’t absolutely hounding them.

I’m glad that the Trump administration doesn’t realize that every time they make a move like this, it’s like voluntary squirting blood into an enclosed tank filled with ravenously hungry sharks.

I dunno... The NYT has been ripping pretty hard into the Trump administration. What are they supposed to do, post Trump’s picture on the front page of every issue with the headline “This Fuckstick Is Fucking Hitler, Ya Dumb Shits”?

Trump supporters waved around Russian flags with “TRUMP” plastered on them, a prank by 22-year-old Jason Charter and 36-year-old Ryan Clayton. “Most people didn’t realize it was a Russian flag, or they didn’t care,” Charter told the Atlantic in a phone interview.

More than half of these are just specific to English-speaking Europe, though.

Every morning when I ritually sacrifice a goat to Mother Hecate, I make a little prayer that one day she’ll write a tell-all in order to provide income for herself after she got nothing from the divorce because he was too vengeful to even consider paying her off for an NDA.

Wow. Sad! I really want to feel sorry for but can’t bring myself to do so.

Meanwhile, Olympic-level trolling inside:

Also, her husband is an astronaut. I can only imagine the kinds of conversations that go on in their house.