
Worth it.

Meanwhile, my P72 photoshoot took about 20 minutes, and was less a photoshoot and more sneaking into an off-limits tent before getting kicked out, waiting for the car to be driven out into the open, and resorting to shoving small children so I could get detail shots after of interior.

And things!  There can be no stuff without things!

Fixed it for you. And here, I thought you were a grammary grammar person.


Kristen... Please add ‘and Stuff’ to the title line.

And yet, we still enjoy a higher standard of living than about 95% of the planet. But you've not answered my question.

Eh, the BRI ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. The problem with it is that sure, China may be lending out fists full of cash to “developing” nations in former third-world regions, but the tradeoff is that they aren’t actually getting paid cash back, but rather lucrative right to raw materials in those countries.

The simple fact we can get rid of a tyrant, but Pooh Jinping is Premiere for life. And the fact I can call Xi that, and I can call Donald Drumpf a shit eating donkey raping cocksucker, which is an insult to cocksuckers everywhere. I think the more essential issue here is that the old people in charge are nowhere near

And what Shane Morris is describing is the rosy side of this investment...the amount of leverage these loans give China over these governments should terrify us.

I’ll second that.  These people are in for the long game.  That’s what makes them so scary.

McLaren is quickly becoming my favorite supercar brand. Not as pretentious as Ferrari. Not as obviously new internet money as Lamborghini. And somewhat attainable unlike Pagani or Koenigsegg. Plus I really, really want a GT.

That fan on the back looks really familiar...

That’s... it? I mean, that car is wicked-awesome, and it’s cool you are telling us about El Mirage, but I was kind of expecting a photographic report — not just a paragraph. Is Jalopnik sending you/someone to cover it? Would love to see a SEMA’esque write up on it.

I’d say you’re more conservative/classical liberal than you realize. Not modern capital C/GOPe, since they love big government almost as much as the Progressive Left.  

Interesting how you equate conservative beliefs with being self-centered. Maybe, just maybe, the saying “with age comes wisdom” has some validity to it that is greatly discounted by the youths because they haven’t been there, done that.

I would agree you can rightfully be upset about the effects of a massive population boom on subsequent generations, yet, it’s not as if we Boomers aren’t also personally very well aware of our generation’s effects too.

So, you don’t think people can gain insight and understanding as they age? More so, you speak for everyone born after ‘81? Sure, bud.

I would argue that as we age, we are more likely to have the wisdom to consider the validity of other viewpoints. With age and wisdom, we generally carry much less strident opinions than we did in college, at least in my experience.