
Without RNA, you have no life.

*LEAF - It’s actually an acronym.

Car design is really in a bad spot. Take a blob, slap a corporate face on it. Job done!! PS: Nobody is wowed by the “floating” roof anymore Nissan. This thing is a turd.

Eh, I’m not going to blame it solely on Trump. Dude ain’t helping, and I stand by that, but NK has been a problem for quite some time.

Blaming it squarely on President Trump is nothing but modern day McCarthyism.

ASSume much? Given that President Camacho has about as much of a grasp of his responsibilities and how to properly carry them out as a gnat, he is of course handling it in the worst way possible. That’s a given. Still, we would be contending with the exact same rhetoric from NK as we are now, because that lunatic

Wait, what? Of all the things to blame on Republicans, the actions of a crazy dictator is the one you go with? You realize this started at least two decades ago, right? This isn’t new. Maybe you should get out of your bomb shelter and read some world news while you are at it.

Chances are I hate most of the people you do for the same reasons you do, but let’s be honest here. This has nothing to do with Trump, Republicans, or the people that voted them into office.

Going to make this about politics, huh? North Korea was always going to become a rogue nation, the fact that the world tried to ignore them claiming they would go away is what has lead us to this bitter road we have come to.

I’m not a fan of President Cheeto, but this is not on him...the North has been belligerent for decades now. It’s getting heated up because they actually have the technology now to directly threaten us. Tubby knows that the U.S. would turn that nation into glass if attacked, so I don’t know what everyone is getting

Given that Kim No Shlong started this shit during Obama’s administration, I highly doubt the situation would be much different now. This was an election that had no proper choice for POTUS. Either way, we lost. The islamofascists and nutcases of the world would be just as nasty to hillary.

You mean a stupid population of the Korean Peninsula?

* says he has no problem driving the speed limit.

quick call the authorities, someone is breaking arbitrary rules written by bureaucrats to generate revenue!!!!!

Clearly you’re a moron. Show me a murder or bank robbery where you’re ticketed and off on your merry way.

If there’s no one around to notice is it also ok to kill someone?

I daily drive a Viper and don’t have any issues following the speed limit. I sometime just have more fun getting to it than others. Sometimes it’s also just the way a car feels and drives that makes it fun.

Yep. Remove the obstacles and everyone gets a chance for success. A chance, not a guarantee. Folks still need to work and earn it.

If you wish to create a rail crossing safe for cyclists, you must first invent the universe.