
And Jersey residents are all like “you know what’s great about Jersey you don’t have to pump your own gas” *smug face*.

You know what asshole I don’t have to pump my own gas either. But I can pump my own gas if I’d like to.

Yeah, the pumping gas thing. When we got stationed in NJ, I was pumping my own fuel for a couple months before someone finally pointed out the $3000 fine for doing it yourself. I actually thought it was in part of forced tipping to the attendant because that also was stated to me. NJ is weird.

Two for New Jersey. Thank God I don’t live there.

Easy: Front plate requirement. Ohio, requires it. Michigan (and damn near everyone else), not so much.

I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.

Surely you can’t be serious. A 3rd row cannot possibly fit in that space.

I’m having a hard time parsing why we’re mad at this but are ok at the women’s only screening of Wonder Woman. Seriously, I’m trying to figure it out - someone tell me what I should be mad at today.

Yep... makes perfect sense... America is just responsible for almost every major advancement in the last 200 years. No thinkers there though.

Well this is interesting...someone on the car forums flagged me about this craigslist ad -which has been pulled down for “review” now..but before it went down - I was able to look at the vin # posted:

In the morning, with one sugar.

If that had occurred in the US she would have been arrested for impersonating an officer. (I’m actually not being sarcastic I seriously believe that’s what would have happened)


Unlikely. How could she be visible while we are texting?

after the budget cuts to the police.. anythings possible eh

I haven’t watched the clip but I’m just going to assume it takes place in Florida, which would answer your question.

hell yeah, I’ll swerve to hit her, because I stand my damn ground

There's a ton of cougars where I live, it's unsafe to even walk up to the bar and get a drink anymore.

Why, precisely, would we translate the name of a SCHOOL. It's a proper name, that has been synonymous with the style of said school. It would be incorrect, and rather ethnocentric, to translate it to English.

Except that Bauhaus is still a name. My name is Pete, it doesn't automatically become Pierre when I go to France, it's still Pete.

We're not German, we're American.