
I’d say hypercar is any car with 800 horsepower and above.

lol, that made my day

It is THE most PERFECT car ever made. If I were a car I would be a Dodge Viper RT/10. It is the car I have always loved. It is the car that I will buy and keep until my dying day. I will have its vin# tattooed on my arm and my social security number and name engraved into its frame. It will be mine forever.

I just got the flying delorean and I’ve never been happier but I am kind of concerned for the future. What happens to all the cars and MONEY we’ve spent in the future when gta6 does come out?? All your stuff is made to be played with on a multiplayer server that one day will not exist. If that’s the case then will we


Dude... are you really thinking that is what I’m saying? I’m saying NOT to micro-legislate people’s lives. Use some of that common sense you keep talking about and apply it to this discussion. Just because you think something makes sense doesn’t mean you should force everyone else to do it. Let people make their own

free will is a sacred thing. don’t take it from people. end of discussion.

rofl. maybe man, maybe. but nah, we’ll have self driving cars all over by then so I’d be okay with giving it up cause i’d still have some mobility. Lord willing.

Life IS unfair, don’t make it worse for other people by legislating every tiny insignificant part of their lives. It’s inconsiderate.

I won’t touch the privilege bs, you can pull my keys out of my rotting hands. My point is that this is a country based on individual freedom where we don’t want or need the government to tell us how to live our lives.

your God given right to freely live your life under your own control and judgement, not to have it done for you.

Hey, if you want to be told what to do like a child be my guest. That’s the slow creep of societal oppression for you and you are only making it worse. I’m completely against it. and I happen to be a fan of run on sentences and bad sentence structure, All I’m saying.


No, YOU are unfair, and by supporting this kind of legislation YOU are making life unfair.

...because it’s YOUR car and no one, including the government is supposed to be able to tell you how and when to turn it on or off, at least I swear to God I thought that was the kind of thing we were trying to avoid by making a country that supposedly loves individual freedom... but hey, reasons. Why not micro mange


So no fiesta st?

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I’m feeling a lot better now. I was stupidly off my meds for a few days (idiotic) but I’m doing better now. God Bless you.

Tired of people wasting my time.

Some white people aren’t living perfectly stable lives either and have horrible self-esteem and are just on jalopnik trying to look at cars and see an article with an offensive title and lose their minds because they don’t want to be a bad person and really do just want to love everyone and us all get along as