but we are supposed to be equal in all ways. How can we be equal if we keep hurling hurtful generalizations at each other? It shouldn’t be okay for anyone to do but it keeps happening.
but we are supposed to be equal in all ways. How can we be equal if we keep hurling hurtful generalizations at each other? It shouldn’t be okay for anyone to do but it keeps happening.
I think the guy was just offended because he really believes in all people being equal and in moving away from the “us vs them”collectivist mentality that has divided everyone for so long, and instead trying to see every single person on earth as an individual, regardless of race, sex, religion, etc. To someone who…
i feel like people should get more outraged by this kind of stuff.
ahhh i totally get it now.
So you’re what, a sarcastic democratic socialist just trying to make a point???
brain just sounds like a manipulative piece of garbage to me then, no thanks.
When I read the title... not what I was expecting.
lol. okay, touche
you’re ridiculous
just get rid of the fence...
i can tell you right now that it’s not that much money.
spaceshuttle in the pic?
i was actually about to do that! Here’s a question though. Orange is hard to come by in the price range I want and I see there is an orange one for 16k in PA. Only problem is I live in New Orleans. Can you buy a new car remotely and have them send it down or to my local ford dealer??
yeah... she’s a real hero.
friend of mine has one of these. says it was her dream car.
Here in new orleans i just drive my own car every day and get where I’m going without having to talk to anyone or pay money for anything except gas. It’s great.
yeah just keep making excuses for their authoritarianism
well that’s pathetic