i hate both those things
i hate both those things
far from the most difficult thing.
if it’s good enough for damned japan it should be good enough here
shouldn’t be though. Not in the “land of the free”.
it shouldn’t be “stupid” in the first place. We have asinine laws regarding this stuff.
Boo freakin hoo! A car came into the country! I HOPE THEY DO IT AGAIN!
you win this day
that’s probably because when you live in a van and spend your time driving and exploring you are also unemployed. You still gotta eat and that old van needs gas. I’ve always wanted to do stuff like this too but I wanted to build something more self-sustaining first. Unfortunately that costs money. But I’m not doing…
You know it’s the arrogance that gets off with me. People in NYC and LA are so self-focused that they have the nerve to call the REST OF THE COUNTRY flyover states! It’s the same arrogance that led to hurricane sandy being a “super storm” and katrina just being a hurricane. We got royally screwed in new orleans and…
yeah, that’s a good point.
it’s... a song...
anal bum cover
I’m just glad orange is back!
Nah, he should have kept flying cause screw the faa
THIS is why I don’t live in neighborhoods... people suck. People are the WORST. His neighbors and the people on this forum who agree with them are all trash; unimaginative human trash. I hope he burns their homes down. I would. You send my plane to the hanger, I send your house to the morgue. Yes they deserve to die…
i’m so jealous. I’ve always wanted to be a car designer. I started school in industrial design, then moved to mech engineering, and now i’m in film. Still wish I’d just stuck with it. Still think about going back.
Looking forward to that utopian future where I won’t be allowed to own a vehicle or drive one on my own. What good is the future without some authoritarian government to make your life better. FTS.
i actually thought it was a cool, futuristic idea but it was full of holes. Big holes. Really big dirty holes.
after a while though “being a different culture” just isn’t a good enough excuse when people are living miserable lives. I mean people can take that and use it to justify A LOT.