Make it cornflower blue

I finally got a curling wand a week ago, first attempt I got something kind of like this... unintentionally. It seems I’m better at achieving a wave on one side than the other. Mr was much amused at my attempts to be a Proper Lady What Styles Her Hair. Next time that happens I’m just going to say it’s An Actual Look,

I’m getting so frustrated with people’s perspectives on this because it really lacks an understanding of dementia and what it would mean to be in mental decline and not be allowed physical intimacy. Someone with alcohol can be prevented from having sex because we know they’ll be sober tomorrow. However, it’s a lot

Oh well done.

Whatever, dude.

You know some people aren’t capable of having their own children biologically, don’t you?

Don’t worry, SIU has you covered.

It’s a bummer that you mistakenly feel like people can only care about one thing at a time AND that you think animals are merely some sort of Cartesian clockwork tool you can dispose of when they are no longer “useful.” I see your smug self-righteousness and raise you an “I think your callous disregard for life is

If you woke up as your 15 year old self, what do you think your 15 year old self would think of your current life?

except they shouldn't go to *too much* college or they could just wind up in that 25% of part-time college faculty members who are on government assistance WITH A PHD.

I was raised in a Pentacostal church, washed in the blood of the lamb, raised within a spirit-filled congregation, speaking in tongues, praying in the spirit, being healed in God’s merciful light. When I was a struggling, almost-suicidal 21 year old who had never had a relationship, I went to the front during the

Ha ha ha, exactly. You would be OK with it, but would he? Seems kind of harsh that once your mind goes someone else gets to decide that sexual pleasure is gone too.

Hey there, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this article or ppl posting are giving you shit for having a c-section! I haven’t read any comments saying anything like that, but I can say-as someone who has had a section: for a year, it made me feel defensive. It made me feel like I failed. I was dealing with a stitched up,

That’s part of a doula’s role, for sure, but they can do more. The doula we worked with not only helped me with pain management techniques (counter pressure on my hips was the most amazing thing ever during contractions) but was able to coach my husband in helping me. He was very willing and ready to help but didn’t

9 months is a long time to develop a relationship with your OB, and I don’t think threatening lawsuits at the onset is a great way to kick it off. I do, however, think it is completely fair to ask for their C-section rate, the hospital’s C-section policy and whether there is anything you can do over the course of your

Depending on how much experience you, your sister’s husband and your mom have with childbirth, a Doula can provide an unmatched level of support. She will have specific training and likely more experience navigating the modern medical system.

The doula is there to provide whatever support the laboring mother and her partner need through the entire process. I am counting on mine to do all kinds of things from reminding me when its time to switch positions to massaging my back during contractions to calming my husband (if need be) to making sure my birth

Threatening to sue someone is extremely aggressive under any circumstance.

I think the problem isn’t with the woman’s choice but with the situation that puts women in the position of scheduling a birth around their work at possible cost to their health and their child’s health.

I’d suggest a getting a doula (even a student one who will do it for free if money is an issue). Support from a doula has been proven to reduce the c-sections and I completely see why. I almost wound up with a c-section for my first and looking back there are a few things that we could have done differently that would

Jesus, girl, calm down. I'm not trying to compete in some argument against someone who's never even delivered a child! You're getting hung up with the term elective and I think we disagree on its meaning. If you have a family history, I disgaree that it would be considered "purely elective" in the medical field as