
This article should be re-headlined “Why Your Team Sucks: Oakland Raiders”

I love the commitment to winning, but I gotta say it's pretty cute that the Bears are making moves like this as if they will be competing. Sure, our QB still looks like he needs five years of development, but let's pursue win now talents!

How bout Hannah Gadsby and her Netflix special ‘Nanette’ and the groundbreaking concept that comedy is not meant to make you laugh. 2018 everybody.

The Big Bang Theory 

That is super weird. But, dang, that chilling quote from her about power and control is the sort of things that should automatically disqualify anybody from elected office (or police work, teaching, petty bureaucratic positions...)

Remember the recent poll that showed only 49% of Americans think the president is racist? That means 51% of the public are either racist or so indifferent to racism they’d be willing to consider voting for these guys. Have fun with that

As a human being, I feel some pity for her.

In the finale her character becomes a lumberjack.

Give that GOOD BOY an Oscar!

Aaliyah. I could swear that’s a screencap from the “Work It” video but memory’s a funny thing. Didn’t Missy wear a jacket with Aaliyah’s face airbrushed on it, too, or is my mind playing tricks again?

Any dog can learn the tricks, but being that overdramatic is something you have to be born with.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008.

Real Sex was one of the strangest programs ever made. HBO plainly viewed it as porn and treated it as such but it was some of the least arousing shit on TV. Episodes generally consisted of swingers with bad 90s haircuts talking about their feelings and shit and very little of it involved visible sex between attractive

slacker damsel in distress Jack Burton, who spends the whole movie being rescued from his own stupidity by Wang, the only competent character in the movie.”

Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.

Also, Matt Lauer has no skill, talent or message of any kind that anyone would want to watch.

You know what might make me think these people (Lauer, CK, etc.) actually learned something? If they used some of their millions of dollars to support anti-sexual harassment groups. Prove that you are contrite and are attempting to be a better person. Disappearing for a year doesn’t do that. (Just rehashing what

The captains of industry had their chance to fix capitalism, but they keep calling out solutions as ‘socialism’ or ‘communism.’

Evil people gather at slightly less evil man’s funeral while a crazy, stupid evil man is shunned...

Or Leah Remini