
He said he likes to use it to show emotion.  He has also said that he knows the Rules of Capital Letters, but he ignores the rules to show how much he means what he’s saying.  If he were more intellectual, he’d rely on vocabulary.  But we all know that he’s a Fucking Moron, so this Utter Crap is what we get!!!1

He took sex ed in TEXAS. Dude probably got an A.

To be fair he should also be facing quite a few terrorism based charges as well, and they seem to not have done that either.

Why in God’s name was this wretched execrence given any kind of bond at all?? HE SHOT MULTIPLE WOMEN AND DID SO WHILE OUT ON BOND FOR SHOOTING SOMEONE.

Am I the only one who find the exclamation point in his posting rather galling He’s not the first 70-something guy I’ve encountered with a fondness for exclamation marks, but most people know not to put it in a condolence social media post or letter.

We now live in a world where “losing a game of Madden” is now on the list of stats for “causes of a mass shooting”. How fucking fantastic.

But he gave a thumbs down on that one ultimately meaningless vote!  We should totally ignore the other 95% of the time when he voted lockstep with his party. What a maverick!!!

They’d love to replace her with Tammy Loren. Does she know anything about sports? Who cares! She’s a pretty blond woman who talks!

As Republicans and Democrats run to lionize and fellate John McCain, a man whose cowardice in selecting Sarah Palin as a running mate, and then not standing up to her racist fan base is the direct cause of the Events of 2016 and beyond... I hope that Jemele finds a place where she can speak truth. Because the

I also find it ironic and amusing that a Lawyer is like basically, “Hey, I defend scumbags for a living, but damn, these guys are beyond the pale!”

You are so mistaken. Three games if for good coaches. Durkin is a dead man walking. They will make an example of him so hard he will never coach again. Then they can say they take things seriously, which will help justify only giving a 3 game suspension to the next good coach who fucks up.

A picture is coming into focus, here, of a wildly corrupt and dysfunctional football program that should probably be nuked out of existence.

LOL only a lawyer would feel the need to be clear that he wasn’t literally accusing them of plotting to shank each other.

Of course it’s Randian! You just have to ignore the main characters’ altruism, the film’s disdain for big business putting profits over people, and the fact that the most Randian character is the villain, and then you’ll totally see it!

Somewhere John Edwards stares sullenly into a beer.

You left out the time Cosby squashed a headline about himself by giving them the story of his DAUGHTER going into rehab. There's no bottom to his depravity.

I thought the consensus was that Michael Clarke Duncan’s Kingpin was the best/only salvageable thing in the movie.

And the CIA didn’t exist until post-WWII

“The central idea of Alan Moore’s comic book is undeniably cool: public-domain Victorian pulp-literature characters refashioned into a Justice League-style superhero team to combat an H.G. Wells Martian invasion”