
BTW, for some additional context on Robert Ritchie, his ass grew up on a six-acre estate out in one of the furthest flung exurbs. Ritche’s ass grew up rich, pun intended. It’s almost the identical story for Madonna. Then they all ended up downtown in Detroit with the blacks and the gays and the other “undesirables” to

A lot of dudes can throw hard. Spin rate is really a measure of how tight he’s pinching the seams, more grip strength = less wind resistance. A high rpm signifies the ball can break more while maintaining velocity.

Sorry, he threw 52 pitches in TWO innings?

Russia. Next Dem President should propose a fund for white supremacists to emigrate to Russia, including $200,000 of debt forgiveness; in return, neither they, nor their children, nor their children's children would be allowed to so much as enter the US on a tourist visa, let alone immigrate.

i C what you did there

I tell my little siblings this all the time. Just because you have white friends doesn’t mean it’s safe to do white things.

First Kid Rock has always sucked.

Actually, they were the fifth state to ratify it in 1866.

Kid Rock is too old. I think his marriage to Pam Anderson gave them both meth face too. 

$1.1 million doesn’t sound like all that much until you realize there are only 580,000 people in Wyoming. There are more people living in Baltimore, which is barely in the top 30 of largest cities.

I feel bad for the poor sap she married and built a family with.

As someone who moved to the frozen north from the mid-south (Kentucky), I know more than a few people who genuinely try to make the argument that destroying these statues is tantamount to “destroying history.”

...a number of those people no longer speak to me, because I had the temerity to suggest, “Well, look, if it’s

i wonder if any of these ppl ever stop to think that there are still black folks alive today who’s grandparents were slaves.

Yeah, but “civility” and “heritage” or some shit.

First off, you could just keep a running list of “Trump doesn’t understand....” articles at the ready, and have half your work done for the next few, hopefully very few, years.

“..every sad SoundCloud rapper on the planet owes him their face tattoos...”

It’s like the writer went down the list of textbook narcicism and said, “I’ll have two of everything please.

Trump only ever has one thing on his mind, praising Trump. Every tweet, every rally, every speech, every meeting. It could be a potentially unwinnable challenge to find a speech by Trump that doesn’t at some

I don’t like that shit at all.

It does feature a top 10 banana eating scene. Top 20 for sure.