
Oh, and it won't be cheap – the fully specced one Henry tested cost, and I hope you're sitting down for this, $80,000. So, you could have this, or a Z06. Take your pick?

Pass. A car is only worth what you can sell it for. No one will go within 100 meters of it with an LS in it.

It is really shitty that you will get all the stars just because you are in the black. 10 people said the same thing before you, but you steal the stars.

Yes, it is.

Contrary to what Tavarish may say, there is no way to make a W220 "reliable" by any reasonable sense of the word. Might as well buy an early 80's Alfa.

Even if that's true, how many other NBA coaches get moved around like a damn potted plant by their team's players?

Despite her talent and beauty I now can't help but wonder if she smells :(

Speaking from experience, nonsense.

except youre wrong. i was the service manager for a shop that specialized in BMWs and Mercedes. the ONLY decent w220 was our owner's 2006, and that doesnt mean he didnt spend thousands and thousands keeping it on the road. they are utter pieces of shit, and even when things break that are normal to break at that

Buy a Lexus LS?

You are such an assclown!

if you think that is the sole thing that makes an S class unreliable, then i dont even know what to say to you. everyone reading this, take it as a satire, these are the worst cars a human could possibly own. do not ever buy for any reason ever

Didn't they learn anything from the 80s? Cimarron all over again or perhaps a more recent example would be ELR all over again.

Yea if they didnt have their heads up their ass for the last 20s years maybe they would have noticed.

*Walks into boardroom

I mean, I really can't think of a reason I would buy a Cadillac over a BMW...unless I wanted a CTS-V, which is such a niche market it isn't even worth mentioning.

This is like one of those issues where someone has a problem and there are literally thousands of people that can help them fix there problem - but they don't want to listen to them - and they come up with there own idea and that idea sucks.

I couldn't agree more.

Younger people's general dislike of Cadillac doesn't help either. My wife reviles the idea that I want a Cadillac. She would much rather have a beige A3.