
I didn’t even notice the Caravaggio’s, I was so mesmerized by her every word.

Allez tuer! Also, he’s been in like 40 movies.

Yes. You’ll just get Morocco and NYC rather than Italy and upstate NY. Glass display cases rather than a house of mirrors.

And the movie was black and white, without nearly enough cleavage (though there were a lot of penis-buildings), so he surely hasn’t seen that.

The problem isn’t when Batman is a stone-cold dead-eyed murderer. The problem is when Superman is.

The Fountainhead already has a movie. Whether it’s now a cult artifact or just unintentionally camp, a remake isn’t called for.

I’m watching again, for the first time in two or three seasons. I don’t mind this crop of designers at all, though I will note that the biggest handicap on PR remains ageism; clothes can’t look dowdy, and designers over 50 never make it to the end. But it’s still so much improved, and Christian is giving great advice

Those rankings seem very low for Day and Melissa, since he’s in everything and her impressions are solid whenever she gets airtime.

Or, they knew she was nuts, too?

I missed Sue so much! So great to see her one last time at the desk!

Hey, their dogs are their children! I’ve got to think Bill is more reliable than Dan in any world at all. Amy didn’t look much less happy than now, whereas Catherine and Marjorie are literally gleeful (despite Catherine sticking with the bangs)!

All of her art was about Fran Drescher!

Finally Taylor Kitsch gets his shot!

I don’t mind Linda idolizing another unworthy icon. What she learns usually is that she had the qualities she imagines they possess already, and in this case it was mostly about getting one over on Colleen at first. Sometimes there is just that one person that pushes all your buttons.

This I put down to casting. After the misfire of the dreadfully serious Dark World, Ragnarok revealed Hemsworth’s considerable comic stylings. Whereas Tessa came off as a total badass. So Thor goes off to play, and Valkyrie takes charge. It’s actually the most resemblance she’s had yet to her comic incarnation.

Pepper suited up in Iron Man 3.

I don’t see it as a pat on the back. I see it as a promise for the next phase. Time for Sue Storm, Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, Jessica Jones, Clea, Spectrum, Sersei, maybe a Crystal and Medusa who make sense .... 

Because more than half of them were gone? They needed her (especially since Thor wasn’t stepping up).

Tony’s knowledge isn’t important, just his wish. The Gauntlet worked out the details, “space magic” style.

Tony just dusted the bad guys ... which Gamora never really was.