
it may not have been clear from my comment but I am not team Lobby Bobby. I was making the point to the original commenter that you can mind your own business AND not let someone into your secured building.

When I worked in retail, I found that a lot of kids would go through a painstaking effort to put things back on pegs, or put something back on a shelf even if it wasn’t the one there, or even try to refold shirts. It was always adults or parents who would blow through a store like a fucking hurricane, leaving a trail

The child looked to be a child of color in the video I saw on Twitter, so I wonder what life is like for him at home.

Maybe a little but really it comes down to a definite yea on one and a ‘more than probable’ maybe on the second.

LOL amazing. You’re basically describing the entire Splinter staff (and half of Jez). 

I mean, I’m pretty sure Cooper would give back his interitance if it meant his father didn’t die young, his brother didn’t jump off the balcony in front of his mother, his half-brothers weren’t estranged and, now that his mother is dead, he’s basically got no family left.

Gloria Vanderbilt was cut off from her wealthy family when she married Anderson Cooper’s father, who I believe was a writer and actor from Mississippi. She amassed a huge amount of that fortune by convincing many people in the 1970's, including me, to wear fancy jeans with her name stitched on the back pocket. She had

He did serious journalism in dangerous areas and actually had a hard time getting his first job...he does a lot of charity work now too. 

Remember him carrying that bloody Haitian boy to safety? 

Maybe don’t use the ‘c’ word when you’re talking about women’s soccer. Or at all, for that matter.

It is statistically proven that Americans have WORSE teeth. Americans are arrogant as hell, everybody knows it except for Americans. American sports stars and fans are always obnoxious (we’re number one - who the fuck says that, it’s weird). And you’re also ignorant to the point that you can’t even cite obvious

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence; I think it’s very unscientific to assume that because we cannot conceive of the conscious experience of a fish, it therefore does not have one. The most we can conclusively, scientifically tell is that it seeks to get the stimulus to stop — and to be fair, if you aren’t

The whole idea of “<insert animal here> don’t feel pain” has always been ludicrous. Pain is absolutely essential to survival; if they had no pain perception, they’d have died out long ago.  Just ask people who have lost pain perception, or who were born without it -- they end up with a lot of scars, or worse.

I listened to the podcast of this a little bit ago. It’s pretty interesting. The thing that always got me was the myth that “fish don’t feel pain”, an idea with no logical or scientific backing. We need to learn that the better you treat your meat, the better it treats you.

He’s right you know. It’s the same shit with Kevin Hart some time ago. YEAH, I SAID IT!

Curious, isn’t it?

It’s possible to be correct on a policy issue and still be a jerk. (See: all the writers and comments on Splinter.)

As a Toyota gentleman, I must vote GT-S but mad props to the Acura.

I believe this is temporary while Rob is away. Get your kicks out of it while it lasts.

Is it me or is Murray starting to look more and more like Baron Harkonen from the Dune movie?