Nic Cage so good that he’s an over-actor ... thats like beyond 11 on the dial.
Nic Cage so good that he’s an over-actor ... thats like beyond 11 on the dial.
people realize that you can still like someone who isn’t a great actor right?
I spent a long time thinking Keanu was a bad actor, mainly because I loved the Kenneth Branagh adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing, and he was BAD as Don John (the villain). But looking back, there’s a whole lot of scenery chewing in that movie, so I think I wasn’t completely fair to him.
Even if Nic Cage did nothing but Nicholas Sparks adaptations for the rest of his life, THIS SCENE has one of the greatest monologues of all time and he was so brilliant that he earned his place. I yell “He has his hand; he has his bride” at someone at least once a week for good measure.
Natalie Portman. Love her, but she peaked with “The Professional.” and she was what, 11?
Amy Adams should not be on this list and she should have won an Oscar for Enchanted!
Cage even knows when he’s going Full Cage! There’s a story in one of the Spider-Verse behind the scenes videos where the director gave him notes and he replied, “Oh, you want the Full Cage.”
This is why entrepreneurs need multiple income streams. Sure you may use a platform like Instagram to gain followers, but an effective successful entrepreneur playing the long game is going to convert those new followers to a website they control and own. Relying on social media platforms to make money solely is a bad…
In what can Emma Watson act? Most of the list is incorrect, but Watson is not good.
I agree with you on almost every single one, but I will die on Nicolas Cage hill....
I’m the conductor of the “Jennifer Lawrence is wildly overrated” train. Feel free to hop on!
TOTALLY AGREE! I think we sometimes confuse ‘hot with limited range’ as ‘deep person with magnificent understanding of the human psyche’.
I mean I would never go to that much trouble to stop it but I don't exactly mind that IG is kicking them off. Can I not have one social media platform that isn't riddled with women trying to sell pussy pics?
Don’t trust these social media companies, ever. No matter what progressive buzzwords they throw out, they are still beholden to the most conservative focus of all - investor dollars - and as such they will all show their systemic agendas against women, non-whites, sex workers, gays, everyone who doesn’t fit their…
Chris Evans is good. Not everything needs to be an EPICSAVAGEBURN🔥🔥🔥 you edgelords. Sometimes you can just say common sense things, share your opinions, and stop pretending to be the next Christopher Hitchens.
If only he was AOC then I’m sure we’d be reading about how she’s burning and owning with all these replies.
“Is it nice”?! Ask most children and they’ll say we should eat only chocolate pudding for dinner, that sharks are mean and we should squash insects because they’re gross. Yet we shouldn’t only have chocolate pudding for dinner and the ecosystem needs sharks and insects.
Wouldn’t that depend on what you taught said child? Some kids are taught to kill humans, so I don’t know that a blanket “ask a kid and whatever they say is correct” rule makes sense. Kids hunt also, so I’m sure those kids would have an understanding of why sometimes animals need to die.