This is kind of mental disconnect I find fascinating among my white colleagues.
This is kind of mental disconnect I find fascinating among my white colleagues.
My ex tried to start a fire using “wilderness skills” -- rubbing two sticks together, basically. Indoors, in a tinderbox of an old woodframe house that we rented that had carpeted floors. He was all pissy when I told him to stop, too. Didn’t worry that the whole building could have gone up in a whoosh of flame, didn’t…
Nobody is saying they’re “owed” the privilege of living anywhere. I’d argue the people living in a warehouse “collective” in the city are just as gritty and scrappy as those who pack up and move to BFE.
As someone that fled war zone as refugee to come to America I do not understand why so many young, bright, and intelligent people go to very expensive parts of California to live.
Wait. So you don’t want people to occupy the homes they own? They should rent them out?
I think that’s unfair. The strongest anti development force in SF specifically is the electeds and neighborhood reps in the Mission, who are largely blocking development as a means to keep low income latinos in SF. Of course, that’s pricing them out, but I guess they prefer being priced out to bought out.
Yep. I’m from East Oakland. My dad and brothers still live there. I am so sad these people lost their lives. I cannot, however, mourn from the perspective of ‘rising rents made this happen.’ Tech some, pay to play some, but all of it is 100% Gentrification. This neighborhood was predominantly Black since the 70s. Now…
It doesn’t consider the fact that these venues exist because more often than not, it’s almost impossible to make music, visual art, film, etc. without the buttressing force of corporate support, which not incidentally rarely contributes to the health of communities.
I do get how people can do it (which was obviously not the case in this situation). When this happens, it’s not typically when they are taking a cross-country trip with their kids, it’s when they are going through the rote motions of their day. Have you ever gotten in your car to head to ____, but gotten halfway to a…
I’m having such a hard time understanding what appear to be strongly liberal people who seem to go out of their way to bash this whole effort on Stein’s part. You can’t just applaud her for doing even one thing that isn’t a terrible, counterproductive waste? Even if that one thing is in your own personal best interest?
I’m responding directly to your claim that Bernie supporters dampened enthusiasm and the speculation that it made voters stay home instead of voting for Hillary. I don’t know what your problem is—maybe try reading my comment again.
Bernie would’ve gotten more of the poor white vote than Hillary did, that’s for sure. That’s exactly the demographic he excelled in, and exactly the demographic that Trump trounced Hillary with. POC with historically poor voter turnout, especially for white candidates, don’t really matter.
I’ll say this until I’m blue in the face. Trump stood at his podium and yelled about Hillary’s slogan. His point was so effective. Hillarys slogan was, “I’m with Her.” Trump literally said, “I’m with you!” How can you argue that??
And all of the awful stuff people said about Trump (and the things Trump did) in the Republican primary made a lot of Republicans sit out and throw their votes elsewhere. What of it?
I’ve never understood this. If someone votes for someone else, THEY DIDNT WANT TO VOTE FOR HILLARY. If she wasn’t in the race, how do you know they would have voted at all? If they wanted to vote for Hillary, they would have. Give it up.
I don’t know who said this, but somewhere on Twitter I saw “Jill Stein is the friend who ruins your wedding but shows up for you during the divorce.”
As dispassionately as I can muster, this argument remains specious.
Things that got us a Donald Trump presidency, ranked:
My problem with blaming the third party candidates is that it is assuming that each of those votes would have gone towards Clinton. That’s not the way it works. Historically, people are more likely to vote for the candidate that doesn’t represent their party than they are to vote third party.
The irony of a man getting benched for not wearing a tie... by a man who wears transitions lenses.