
Quit lying. Just reading all the anti-Elon and Tesla hate that Jalopnick prints has got to be 100% proof that you would never buy any Tesla product. In fact, this rag should be re-named, “I Hate Anything Tesla”. Seriously.

Ironically, he said it sympathetically.

To be perfectly Frank, if it were me, I’d say, “Appointed for LIFE! What are ya gonna do, fire me? You can eat me, that’s what you can do!"

Somebody has to machine all those stainless steel parts, and that would be ME!  Those guys pay their machinists pretty well.  So they do create jobs, at least one or two. 

Jim, that’s Cold. Very cold. But accurate. Tits up at the titanic.

I don’t get it. Is there a hidden bale of cocaine down there on the Titanic or what? Wasn’t the last debacle of hideos excruciating death enough. Of an example to theae guys or hwut?

Muse has to give Jalopnik’s writer something to snivel about. The guy makes a car, apparently it isn’t too bad of a car (I don’t have one, but t I’d take a free one if offered). H we oes up against GM, FOMOCO, Fiat/Chrysler, and beats them at it. He hoes up against NASA, who laughed at him, “You’ll never launch,

Its a truck.  Who cares if it matches?

On the other hand, stainless panels, especially with bends and creases (body details) in it, is much more durable and dent resistant than mild steel, it would probably just bounce most little ewee cars right out if the way. Of course, it would probably cause more damage too, in whatever it hit.

Those are Harbor Freight calipers, +- .050. Space tolerance.

I was there Brother! I’ve been going to those since the mid-80s and in my opinion, there is NO better racing, but I’m biased since I used to race dirt track (strictly amateur Sportsman, and not on these really fast tracks). Central CA used to be a hotbed of dirt track talent, along with Michigan, most of the really

Ive heard rumors about how much automotive ”Journalists” make in that real job. There is a reason they drive old Jeeps and Saturns and shit like that.

Obe thing that ice noticed that seems to apply to both motorcycles and cars/trucks, is that if you drive/ride them daily, they seem to last longer and have less problems than if you let them sit for weeks, months or even years. Just my own personal experience has shown this to be true, I’ve never seen studies about it.

Everyone is racist. I’m racist, you’re racist, we’re all racist. The anti-white people hate that's going around is just as racist as everything else people are doing.  

Give it to your brother in law. Or kid. Or high school shop class.  Or one of those groups that claim to help someone with your vehicle donation.

How many miles is too many to buy? Hmmm.

And even then, if that Hunk O’Junk eats the engine ot trans 15 feet from the place that inspected it, it's still on you, not the guy that inspected it.  

Ummmmm, no.  I mean, NO!  Just no.  I wouldn't take it for free.  Well, maybe I would, but I wouldn't pay $200 for it.

But there are those readers of Jalapnut that DO pronounce judgement on others’ cars posted herein. More judgements than at the Quail and Pebble Beach Concours combined.

On the 5th.  The 5th of Never......