left them in the car with engine running? dumb.
left them in the car with engine running? dumb.
disappointing but predictable. we are a nation of idiots.
you are in danger of wearing this quote out
off to K street where he will make N times as much money and wield similar power, just behind the scenes.
all according to the script
i’m mesmerized. i try to make eye contact with both, but its futile. one is too interested in what is happening behind me.
good gig if you can get it. tho her tits are a little all over the place. like a wandering eye but with a tit.
does this have anything to do with natalee halloway?
just fuuuuuuuuuck this guy
big deal. i’ve lived my entire life in this gross, fucked up body
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think he’s going to hit .167 all season.”
if he has a good series at fenway, this is all forgotten. but that’s a big if.
get this bum outta here!
i was just being a pedantic asshole.
i think you mean ‘tenacity’, not ‘veracity’.
Why was this piece removed from the general feed? Also does not appear to show up in searches.
he looks like the love child of john malkovich and billy crystal
you was obviously hate america!
i applaud you ruse of the verb ‘rent’. very underused in this manner,imo.