Well ATRs are only employed by American, and you really dont see them outside the Caribbean of course.
Well ATRs are only employed by American, and you really dont see them outside the Caribbean of course.
CORRECTION: Faster than a Canadian/Brazilian regional airliner. USA!
If you hit the first one fast enough, you can just fly over the rest.
Those Chrysler K-Cups really do deserve the top spot.
Call it Christmas spirit.
I dunno, I like the trucks, but they just seem so unreasonably impractical. 14 mpg and all I bet most of em do is exactly what I see them doing. Which is silly. I guess if they're using them on the weekend, fine. But I'd bet most of the people that just spent 40 grand or whatever on their new toy arent going out…
Soooo, did I just get a STD from reading this? Or did I get a STD because I skipped most of that thrilling discourse at the beginning?
The only thing is that when you see one driving around, say to the local grocery store as I did just yesterday, you get this overwhelming feeling of "God, it's really silly to own one of them." I mean, if you LIVED in Oprah's Butt, maybe it would be handy. And if you happen to live in that area where they were rock…
I think I speak for everyone here when I say thank God for terrible songs being put over what would have been great audio.
I was thinking the same thing- how are there not more absurd accidents? How do they not occur every day in fact? The way we drive in the States, this kind of road could never fly.
That heartwarming third one is a nice uplifting way to start the weekend.
Come ON. How is it that their reaction is so mild-mannered???
I have to vote for Tom Park. I don't know why but for some reason he completely fails to irritate me, something that no other car promoter has achieved.
I want him to be my dad. I really do.
That is awesome.
Not gonna lie, media pandering aside, I love seeing Tebow keep winning. Er, the Broncos. Either. Or both. He's just a QB on a winning streak, and yet each game that gets tacked on, you'd swear he was growing extra legs or something the way analysts make it sound miraculous.
This was a product of confusion in the cockpit and a lack of communication. It does not appear to be a lack of sufficient training as was the case with the AAL Airbus A300 that crashed on Long Island a few years back.