
There are filters, and bots they could’ve used, with the right mod team behind the bot it could’ve been updated with terms on the fly, but there’s always ways around it from moment to moment.

depends on the viewers and the mod team that the broadcaster foster, granted I only stay around one streamer that has >2k subs because his team is on point. Sure chat moves fast, but there’s zero tolerance on the cancer that most twitch rooms allow, so you can actually hold down a conversation with the broadcaster or

So Dreamhack isn’t my bag, so I wasn’t in the room for the broadcast. But as a lowly Twitch dweller, first thoughts are did they have a bot in the room that a mod team could update on the fly with bannable words, etc? A great moderator team goes a long way to supplement your bots, but if it’s a fast moving room it’s

I can check off all the non-Sega games from this list, and reading the comments, seems I can pick up the missing ones on Steam, awesome!

I loved Wild Arms, but if I remember right it was way overlooked due to the hype surrounding Final Fantasy VII being released later the same year, for me it was an awesome way to bide

Yeah, I didn’t go into the boring issues SLI/Crossfire can have with streaming either, which is partially why I’ve stayed with a single card setup thus far... which’ll be what my GTX 980 will be used for after the upgrade, streaming PC. Overkill? perhaps.

I’ll be waiting to see benchmarks, but more than likely? Farewell GTX980, you’ve served me well the past year and a half, could either grab a second (which would entail a rig redesign since the Phantek CPU cooler I have is so large it covers my top PCI-E slot, so either go smaller or water cooled [which of that I have

Sitting here with so many new games waiting to be played, what am I playing this weekend? Diablo 3 Season 6 started last night, so that.

While you mention aimbots and they’re probably there, the example you give is a bad one, I play with my wife on separate computers next to each other, and often my biggest gripe is I see her facing an opposite direction or the floor while she’s clearly shooting enemies on her screen, makes it hard if I’m just paying

Certainly a move in the right direction, the 3 day bans they were handing out prior were a joke, they needed to be more heavy-handed to get things back in line, hopefully these first steps will be it.

Just found time to start playing this last night, so hadn’t really started on my build yet, but this issue is problematic for my end-goal -_-.

Also a nagging issue on the PS4 that the game seems to be locked into 5/7.1 audio with no noticed way to change it to simple 2 channel audio, if I want to listen to someone I

He put the cart in front of the horse and tried to develop the follow-up MMO at the same time, which in the world of MMO’s doesn’t really get you really far.
Something felt fishy when a brand new IP had a $200+ statue edition. ...kind of still wish I had purchased that instead but there was no guarantee of who’s

No doubt, R.A. Salvatore penned 10,000 years of history for the IP, there should be tons enough to pull from for another company to come in, buy the IP and do something with, hopefully McFarlane and Rolston will also be brought back into the fold for it.

I’ve no arguments on that with Destiny and Division lol I keep playing those because that’s what my wife and I play together.

The fact that I’m still playing it over Fallout 4 and especially Dark Souls 3 surprises me though...

Although I agree and tend to grab games when they’re on sale, after watching people play it on Twitch I had the familiar AC itch starting and forked over full price, and it is well worth it.
I’ve put in ~75hrs so far in the few weeks I’ve had it, unlike AC you’re not gated off by real time, so you can advance it much

>_< nice roll on it, I wouldn’t be able to use it though, deal with a crashes entirely too often if I use a primary with firefly, sorta glad this update wasn’t bringing VoG up to level, because having a new upgraded Fatebringer and never being able to use it would kill me lol

For me it’s Dark Souls until the Wife gets home and we can start working on Division.

Reason for the choice for Division over Destiny for us? Destiny burned through the good will that that they had, Division hasn’t hit that point (yet).

peanutgolem owes you a commission Patrick, I have to order that Sif shirt!

As an old FF fan, I have no interest in XV. They keep wanting to push the envelope with graphics and the battle engine, meanwhile a ton of us just want the old turn-based combat version.

That was my thought on why the switch was made, it made sense... for Phantom Pain.

But the change in Ground Zeroes made my afterthought explanation moot.

Just went live on Steam