
As soon as they said “matchmaking” I immediately became uninterested in this update, my wife and I play the game alone, except the now defunct raid night. We stay out of matchmade playlists because, well we don’t want to deal with randoms, so pointless update for us.

Hate that Dark Souls III and Bravely Second drop on the same week, guess I’m glad it’s not the same day or I’d have even more of an issue :P

Knee-jerk reaction : Totally would.

Have to say this has never worked while getting stuck in geographic geometry, say exploring the side of a mountain, I remember my poop rolling through a rock I was stuck on and continuing down side of said mountain, free as a bird (a non-flying variety mind you)... while I sat there and starved to death slowly. Roll

Think the biggest missed mark in the vid was not showing Behemoths major behavioral change in FFXIII, when you get them down to critical health and they stand upright and dislodge that sword.

Meh, doesn’t do much for me, retired the game early due to it doing horribly on Twitch, and then it has over $300 in DLC costumes.... as much as I’m a DoA fan, may be the last one I touch...

“At the end of the day you don’t want a man who is too much of a coward to date you, so count your blessings. There are American men out there who are confident and secure enough in what they like and what they want who don’t let society or others dictate which women are dateable. Find those men. Good riddance to the

I have a marauder build but it was for speed rifting, didn’t think about pushing with it (that’s what my melee DH is for :P), they were also using cluster arrows and vengeance. I have all the gear to emulate it (though not all ancient) but the change in play style is going to take a while :/

I recognize a bunch of those and understand why they’re banned, not so much the Sakura games though, only played a one of those and there wasn’t actually any nudity? Just VERY suggestive.

Yet games like Onechanbara ZII Chaos : Banana Split edition is completely fine :P

But, on-topic, as a viewer/streamer on Twitch, yes

Malaise, yes good word for the bad feeling.
Sitting at 319 light, haven’t run the raid in a few weeks because hey, that last 1 point doesn’t seem that important and Diablo 3 started Season 5. I hadn’t heard the sequel had been delayed, that makes me sad, having thousands of hours into this game, and hearing absolutely

Scammers like this get through, yet people like me who thankfully made it out of a Cobalt crash w/o being damaged or killed (just the car being totaled after wrapping around a tree) were just put out (and even more stupidly in my case, put out more because I bought another Cobalt as soon as I could manage, before the

As of this moment the highest (solo)DH is GR77 with a Marauders build.

Diablo 3 Season 5 started tonight, so the wife and I will be grinding away at that -_-

I’d love to buy the rights to Silent Hills, Castlevania, Metal Gear, Suikoden, Zone of the Enders away from Konami, but any of those IP’s (well at least the top 3) are probably out of the price range of that lump sum as I could see Konami putting a value of them for pachinko assets rather high (much to the ire of us

It just lessens the chance of a full-out attack on your settlement, but doesn’t stop it completely. I’ve been called to a place and while the screen was loading in, there was just a ton of explosions from my missile turrets, when I can finally see, the raiding party is dead.
:/ thanks for wasting my time by having me

What makes this worse for me is the quest giving seems to ignore anything you’ve done to your settlements. Mine? 10ft walls of concrete surround most of them, topped with missley and lasery death, where a super mutant or raider would be brain-dead to be even within sight of the turrets and lights (would include

So salty I didn’t kickstart this, could be playing it right now instead of grinding Iron Banner waiting for next week -_-

I just learned of it yesterday due to Steam Powered Giraffe, plan on picking it up asap.

Ran into the same thing, guessed the right one, talked them into not killing each other, and then they both aggro’d on me and had to be put down anyway, was kind of sad about that.

So what if you work from home? It feels like there’s no escape.
Went from a job where I worked 12yrs, 6 of which was as a single person IT dept, taking I think 3 weeks vacation in total (or I should say I’d only count 3 weeks because the other weeks I was still “working” while I was required to “take” the vacation