
In the same boat... if I had known this day would come perhaps I would've stuck to the Xbone as my main console this generation... :P

Maybe no one ever told them how to make a proper bowl of cheerios, and they just thought it was normally made with piss? "ah, hello morning! time for a nice bowl of cheerios *clinkclinkclinkclink*...*ziiiiiip*...."

My wife and I two-person weekly heroic and nightfalls, heck we're down to just playing this game perhaps two nights a week, to knock out the raids with our team and do the weekly/nightfall... guess I should thank bungie for saving us a little time during the week by not having to take down the weekly :P More time

It's kind of sad really, just last month after a few years of playing the game I finally retired (tired of blowing money on a CCG, was a part of a top 10 order in the game). While I was overly hyped for this anime then (the possibility of seeing some actual story besides for the half-baked ones in the game... perhaps

Sooo... in game items for a broken game? another probably broken port? A free month when I'm stocked up until like 2017.... nope.

With the 360 when you buy an XBLA arcade title you get two licenses, one stays on the system it's bought on, the other is issued to your account. That way the system it's purchased on has access no matter who is logged in, and whatever system you're signed into can also access games you paid for. I haven't paid

I sat and watched on twitch as a couple of streamers went around 200 times on this map (load, kill, orbit, repeat)... said I wasn't going to do it, my wife got her husk from the first random sword bear she killed after the patch. Gave the fist mission around 10 times before I said I wasn't going to be like the

definitely a front-runner for my game of the year, and of all time, finally kicking Conker from his throne after 15+ years... he didn't seem happy there anyway

*throws his wallet at the screen* TAKE IT TAKE THE WHOLE THING!

Annoyed yes, but to be fair they've said that will be the last thing they do when they've run out of any other ideas....

Best score: Destiny

Sorry Ubisoft, with this most recent release, you lost my trust, I'm not hyped for this, I'm not pre-ordering this, show us you can put out a good game next year (re: no day-of review embargos) and maybe we'll talk.

same here (FC4), read the article, jumped on PSN, was gone, so high-tailed it to GameStop, figured between GameStop, Best Buy or Wal-Mart I'd find it somewhere... also figured GameStop would be the least likely to still have it... but lucked out, they only do system refreshes in the morning I think... so will probably

Gamestop was still selling it if you have one close.

Gamestop was still selling them this afternoon... $30 for Farcry 4 + the first two expansions for AC:U? I'm down.

And that first point is what ticks most of us off I think... the game was supposed to be greatness... everything it is points to greatness, but then the delivery ended up gimped and it ends up not living up to it's potential. :/
I'm one of the players that have a completely obscene amount of hours into this game, and I

Been laughing about this for a week+ now, while they pushed the polished turd that is Unity... they did nothing to back Rogue which was the superior game. Who cares about a new graphics engine when the one in the last was damn fine on its own?

It is sad that every boss in the game is just a larger version of normal mobs with a few added things... the one enemy that has a unique instance in the game? is a mid-boss (the tank on mars).

...though thankfully I also bought Rogue... which seems to be from the reviews (although overshadowed by Unity so completely that Ubi didn't send out early review copies... the hell? and usually a bad sign) seems to be a true AC game, so I'm going to start thinking of Unity as an off-shoot :P

Yep, brand loyalty and past investment certainly caught me this time... so many red flags flew up on this game from E3 on, but I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, they won't find the same money waiting on them next year.