It would then have to be better than the xxxD series, and just now, mirrorless just isnt there. People would move to a d3xxx Nikon if Canon killed their xxxD series dslr for an inferior mirrorless option.
It would then have to be better than the xxxD series, and just now, mirrorless just isnt there. People would move to a d3xxx Nikon if Canon killed their xxxD series dslr for an inferior mirrorless option.
It wont ever happen. The reason you need an adapted is due to the flange distance. The mount on the EF lenses wont be able to focus on a sensor that is as small and close to the back of the lens.
They then have to prove it was stolen. If it was a prototype that they gave to the employee, then he may have had some loophole to keep it. If it was sold using a friends ebay account, then they may never find out who sold it, or who it was sold to.
That raises so many issue of what is a telephoto lens? Where a telephoto lens has a focal length greater than its physical length. Almost every point and shoot has a telephoto lens on it. I imagine that would be a pretty difficult one to police and enforce. A canon 260HS is will far closer then my 7d with 200mm lens.…
Every single one of those 3rd parties will jump straight on board with whatever Apple tell them to. Do you not see the market?! Apple says, money does.
They won't be support old dock connectors, or old display ratios. Get new or get out. They have done it before. All the new devs will start support the new ratios as the new phone will be insanely popular.
Well we won't be hiring you then...
I am not sure he will care. He now has so much money it is unlikely that he, or anyone he leaves his money to will ever work again, let alone be able to spend the insane amount of money that he will get from this.
But then you can't have a gun.
iOS allows other browsers into the market place. Mozilla also don't have a working build of FF for iOS, and they may deem it not worth their time writing one, which is why they may not be to pissed at iOS.
I am sure I read on here or lifehacker years ago that there was some shortcut skip code you could press on the remote to make it jump to start playing the dvd straight away.
If that was the case, then you should never be entitled to any security or performance updates to Windows or OSx that you have running on your PC. You should just be happy with what it was the day you got it.
That is a good point. But if I threw my money at AT&T/Verizon/Vodafone/Bell etc, then they would still not be able to give me my update, even though Google's specs say that my phone can run it. If they are the gate keepers, they have to make the key available, whether they expect us to pay for it or not.
I wish my hard drives lasted long enough for me to have a really old photo. 6-7 years always seems to be the limit of my luck. I get all of my photos printed now. I also didnt take a whole lot of photos before 2 years ago, heck my first digital camera was only bought 2 years ago
They won't be passing the saving on to you. They will just be going on an even nicer holiday than usual
Yeh I totally get that. It is a hard one, a 4 inch iPhone would still work, and sell to the masses.
I have had an iphone (3.5 inches), an x10 (4 inches) and an sgs 2 (4.3 inches) and I still think that the 4inch screen was was ideal. It fitted nicely in my hands and was easy to use. The SGS2 is starting to feel nice, but that has taken some time to get used to, and a phone shouldnt have to do that.
This sounds a whole lot like he is now NOT the only person with that information.
Yeh it is exactly that. And they will get round to it. I am sure that they took a statement from you, and investigated it as far as they could, unfortunately it was to late. But that will always be the case.
They can't just drop what they are doing because one person claims they have caught the bad guys for a crime they don't have a statement for. They will take a statement when they get round to it. There will be a timeframe and order that things get done. Sadly, or maybe not if your friend gets murdered, but theft is…