
Woo peer pressure the police to prioritize your case over someone else's. Seems a bit like an abuse of power. What if they couldn't take a statement because they were at a crime that had a more serious implication than a stolen laptop and a few video camera's (regardless of how much they cost).

I am not sure how much safety information engineers could take from seeing a 30+year old aircraft crashing. I imagine aircraft design has changed a lot since the last ones of these were built.

It will never come shipped with vanilla Android. You will have to root and flash an AOSP derived rom to get that.

@BishopBlaize it also probably wont be long until their is a Sense 4 rom ported to it either


Some of the sweeping statements about people living there do seem a little unfair, and to the point where they just seem to be there to jazz up a story.

I have made a couple of systems that only had a 60gb ssd. They did have another tb for data, but 60 gigs was more than enough for win7 and some adobe and cad programs. I just set up the win libraries and moved documents etc onto the hdd and moved the pagefile over there. I also changed the default install directory to

One of the reasons I much prefer the USA HTC one X over the UK one, is the power and efficiency of the S4 chip. I really hope that this Exynos will be more efficient than the 28nm S4.

No. It will only be for GSM iphones to be used on other GSM networks.

Just get on with it. You don't have to complain or go out your way to help. Just do what all the instructions ask you do to and get on with it. It sucks, but such is life

Anything over the stated speed limit is against the law, but like you said, and I previously said, would never get ticketed. I am not disagreeing or arguing with you at all. Even at 5-10mph over a 45mph speed limit I doubt a ticket would be issued because of the reasons stated. But at the end of the day, speeding is

I fully understand what you are saying there and I did say that the cop accused her of the wrong thing. What if their car has a digital speedo?

So she was still speeding? She just got accused of speeding faster than she was actually doing. It is nice to see that you were able to prove that your wife has a disregard for the law and that you are kind enough to exploit the system to get away with a fine.

Make the prices the same as the second hand market for the physical products. I buy almost all my cds, dvds and games 2nd hand.

How much of the cheap vodka gets lost while making this. due t spillages or just getting soaked up or evaporating with the time it takes to filter?

Could they deliberately not be releasing the mid range ivy's to the public because Apple has struck a deal with them for such a large quantity so they can get their new macs out soon?

Whaaa?! Last time I was over, 14 months ago, I asked in every official store (tmob and at&t, gsm only) and all the best buys I walked past and they all told me that nothing like that existed. $25 for 500mb isnt cheap, but it is a price I would definitely pay for some internetzzz while on holiday.

I am from the UK and enjoy pretty good rates on mobile data, but every time I visit the States I have to go internet free for the time I am there.

Haha yeh, a rapid charger will be on the market soon! Probably by a 3rd party though.

Surely Apple must have been aware of this, but would have had to have been very aware that if they gave people a larger charger, they would have plugged in their iphones or old ipads or friends old ipads and that could have caused problems for these older devices.