
While I havn't experienced either of these, I am travelling into Chicago and out of JFK over the xmas and New Year period, and will no doubt have to experience either the machine or the pat down, and again all I can say, at the end of the day, I am pretty sure that none of the TSA workers are doing it for their own

They have been cooperating on ripping us off for years. At least this time, something useful to us may come from it

OMG, I saw some boobies. Fap Fap Fap.

@12345: In hindsight yeh, that probably was quite bad, but at the same time, if it had fallen at any other angle, there may well have been other things around that would have been equally bad in a chain reaction from a different falling angle. Once it did start to fall down, all the people moved back further, and from

@Dalton63841: Im sure all the calculations were done fine, but things always go wrong. And by the looks and sounds of things, there were safeguards in place, and no-one was within a perimeter of where the tower may fall if anything goes wrong.

@t('-'t): O oops, i totally never thought of satellite orbit paths, but that is a good way to describe it.

Why is it that the light only seems to be in a horizontal line?

@Eggyhead85: Yeh they should be rewarded with the toy for eating the the fruit which is why forcing the fruit to be in the meal is a good idea, and limiting the sodium level is just as good. Not having fruit and veg in your diet is/can be just as bad as having to much salt.

@Purple Dave: Have you seen how little potatoes there even is in the fries there?! They are basically just fried batter and fat with a tiny side of potato

@Eggyhead85: Why should the child get to choose the fruit content any more than they should get to choose the salt content?

@Tyrunn: With all the sanctions placed apon Germany at the end of WW1 there was no way they should have been able to start WW2, the sanctions were just never enforced, which is why they were allowed to do so much in the approach to WW2. The European nations should have almost definately stopped the war from happening,

@songs: What history class did you go to? There was a German army presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, and both still have armies, airforces and navies, albeit Japan's navy does has considerable restrictions on it, but remember it arrested a Chinese fishing boat not long ago. Now all you have to do is wait for 2.2! I wouldn't hold your breathe for ginger bread though

Just moved two devices from 1.6 to 2.2. Damn you carriers, and thank you rooters


@The5thElephant: Thats what i was meaning. The MBA has no where near the same amount of power as a pro, so running all those things wouldn't be nearly as good to use on an Air. Keep you MBP for that sort of thing.

@cntyglghtly: 8GB of ram would be so much over kill here. Why would you ever need that?! Given the age of the cpu's in it, it could never be a serious work unit, so 8GB is not necessary

Do people still send mms? I maybe get about 2 sent to me a year, and cant remember the last one i sent, I just email everyone. I don't think that is a huge issue